{ "accessibility": { "aria-labels": { "plan-cards": "Plan card for {{planName}}" } }, "account": { "countries": { "usa": "United States of America" } }, "addDependent": { "dependent": "dependent", "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Add Dependent" }, "address": { "city": "City", "county": "County" }, "apply": { "applicant": "Applicant(s)", "deletePlan": "Delete This Plan" }, "armature": { "sof-progress-bar": { "titles": { "eligibility": { "attestation-health-coverage": "Terms & Agreement", "enrollment-group-plan-selection": "Plan Selection", "enrollment-groups": "Household Info", "tax-credit": "Tax Credit", "tobacco-use": "Tobacco Usage" }, "enroll": { "auth-user": "Additional Info", "broker": "Additional Info", "doctor-info": "PCP", "personal-info": "Personal & dependent Info", "plan": "Plan Selection", "responsible-party": "Additional Info", "summary": "Review" }, "hra": { "decision": "Accept or Reject", "summary": "Confirm" }, "shopping": { "choose-market": "Preferences", "household": "Coverage Information", "shop-plans": "Plan Selection", "zip-code": "Get Started" } } } }, "attestation-health-coverage": { "agree": "I agree with the above statements", "agreeAndConfirm": "Agree and confirm", "attestation": "

I understand that I'm not eligible for a premium tax credit if I'm found eligible for other qualifying health coverage, like Medicaid, the Children's Health Insurance Program, or a job-based health plan.

I also understand that if I become eligible for other qualifying health coverage, I must contact the Marketplace to end my Marketplace coverage and premium tax credit. If I don't, the person who files taxes in my household may need to pay back my premium tax credit.

", "disagree": "I disagree with the above statements", "metadata": "", "subtitle": "Please read and agree with these statements to continue", "tabTitle": "Terms & Agreement", "title": "Terms and Agreement (1/2)" }, "attestation-tax-filer": { "agree": "I agree with the above statements", "agreeAndConfirm": "Agree and confirm", "attestation": "

I understand that because the premium tax credit will be paid on my behalf to reduce the cost of health coverage for myself and/or my dependents:

I must file a federal income tax return for the 2020 tax year.

If I'm married at the end of 2020, I must file a joint income tax return with my spouse.

I also expect that:

No one else will be able to claim me as a dependent on their 2020 federal income tax return.

I'll claim as a dependent on my 2020 federal income tax return all individuals listed on this application as my dependent, who are enrolled in coverage through this Marketplace, and whose premium for coverage is paid in whole or in part by advance payments of the premium tax credit.

If any of the above changes:

I understand that it may impact my ability to get the premium tax credit.

I also understand that when I file my 2020 federal tax income tax return, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will compare the income on my tax return is lower than the amount of income on my application, I may be eligible to get an additional premium tax credit amount. On the other hand, if the income on my tax return is higher than the amount of income on my application, I may owe additional federal income tax.

", "disagree": "I disagree with the above statements", "metadata": "", "signature": { "label": "Tax Filer's Signature", "placeholder": "Please enter your full name" }, "statementsApplyTo": "These statements apply to:", "subtitle": "Please read and agree with these statements to continue", "tabTitle": "Terms & Agreement", "title": "Terms and Agreement (2/2)" }, "authUser": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Authorized User" }, "benefits": { "text1": "Benefit #1 Text", "text2": "Benefit #2 Text", "text3": "Benefit #3 Text", "title1": "Benefit #1", "title2": "Benefit #2", "title3": "Benefit #3" }, "broker": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Broker" }, "button": { "back": "BACK", "beginEnrollment": "Begin Enrollment", "cancel": "Cancel", "change": "Change", "changeGroup": "Change Group", "close": "Close", "continuePlan": "Continue with this Plan", "delete": "Delete", "get-started": "GET STARTED", "home": "Home", "next": "Next", "saveGroups": "Save Grouping", "skip": "Skip", "skipAndViewPlans": "Skip and View Plans", "submit": " Submit", "viewPlans": "View Plans" }, "common": { "agree": "Agree", "apply": "Apply", "cancel": "Cancel", "clear": "Clear Plans", "close": "Close", "compare": "Compare Plans ({{plansToCompareLength}})", "continue": "Continue", "copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", "disagree": "Disagree", "dismiss": "dismiss", "enroll": "Enroll", "enterValidInput": "Enter a valid ", "isRequired": "is required", "no": "No", "optional": "Optional", "poBoxDetected": "PO Box Addresses Not Allowed", "view-less": "View Less", "view-more": "View More", "yes": "Yes" }, "contact-menu": { "email": "{{email}}", "header": "Contact", "info": "For questions or assistance, contact licensed insurance agent/producers,", "phone": "{{phone}}" }, "demographics": { "gender": { "text": "Gender" }, "placeholders": { "actions": "Actions", "address": "Address", "age": "Age", "applicant": "Applicant", "back": "Back", "birthDate": "Birth Date", "cancel": "Cancel", "county": "County", "distance": "Distance", "enterNumber": "Enter Number", "form": "Form", "fullName": "Full Name", "income": "Income", "location": "Location", "miles": "Miles", "myChildren": "My Children", "mySpouse": "My Spouse", "myself": "Myself", "name": "Name", "next": "Next", "numberOfChildren": "Children", "phone": "Phone", "save": "Save", "skipPage": "Skip This Page", "specialty": "Specialty", "strength": "Strength", "time": "Time", "tobaccoUse": "Tobacco Use", "type": "Type", "whoIsBeingCovered": "Who is being covered?", "zipcode": "Zip Code" }, "smoke": "smoke", "smokeSpouse": "smoke and my spouse", "smokeSpouseOnly": "My spouse", "spinnerText": "We are calculating your estimated savings.", "stateBased": "Sorry no plans are offered in your current state", "subtitle": "Answer a few questions to learn more about your options.", "title": "Healthcare made simple", "unapprovedStateZip": "Unfortunately plan details are not available online at this time. To speak with a customer service representative, call {{phoneNumber}} (TTY 711) Mon-Fri 7-11 ET and Sat 9-5 ET for more information.", "weHave": "We have", "weMake": "We make", "wrongAge": "Wrong age", "yearsOld": "years old", "zipEmpty": "Zip code is required", "zipInvalid": "Please enter a valid zipcode", "zipLength": "Zip code must be 5 digits" }, "disclaimer": { "aca": "Please note that {{client}} and its affiliates do not have a relationship with the providers of products, services, and discounts made available on this website that do not carry the {{client}} brand in their name. The provider's terms, conditions, and policies apply", "bulletOptions": { "text1": "You want to select a catastrophic health plan.", "text2": "You want to enroll members of your household in separate Qualified Health Plans." }, "checkboxText": "I agree", "text1": "This website is operated by {{carrierName}} and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace website. This website does not display all Qualified Health Plans available through the Health Insurance Marketplace website. To see all available Qualified Health Plan options, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace website at https://www.healthcare.gov.", "text2": "Also, you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace website at https://www.healthcare.gov if:", "title": "Attention" }, "disclaimers": { "aca": "Please note that {{client}} and its affiliates do not have a relationship with the providers of products, services, and discounts made available on this website that do not carry the {{client}} brand in their name. The provider's terms, conditions, and policies apply", "sign-in": { "1": "You are not signed in. Please", "2": "sign in", "3": ", in order to save your progress. If you don't have an account,", "4": "create one now." } }, "dmiTypes": { "DMI_ANNUAL_INCOME": "Household income", "DMI_CITIZENSHIP": "Citizenship", "DMI_ESCMEC": "Eligibility for minimum essential job-based coverage", "DMI_INCARCERATION": "Incarceration status", "DMI_MEDICAID_LAWFUL_PRESENCE": "Immigration status(Medicaid)", "DMI_NONESCMEC": "Non-job based coverage", "DMI_QHP_LAWFUL_PRESENCE": "Immigration status(Marketplace coverage)", "DMI_SSN": "Social Security number", "DMI_TRIBE_MEMBERSHIP": "American Indian or Alaska Native status", "NON_ESC_MEC_MEDICAID_CHIP": "Eligibility for or coverage through Medicaid or the Children's Health Insurance Program (CHIP)", "NON_ESC_MEC_MEDICARE": "Eligibility for or coverage through Medicare", "NON_ESC_MEC_PEACE_CORPS": "Eligibility or coverage through Peace Corps", "NON_ESC_MEC_TRICARE": "Coverage through TRICARE", "NON_ESC_MEC_VA": "Coverage through Veterans Health Care Program" }, "drug": { "search": { "duplicateDrug": "Duplicate Drug", "form": "Form", "months": "Months", "noDrugsFound": "No Prescriptions have been found", "strength": "Strength", "supplyDuration": "Supply Duration" } }, "ede": { "changePlan": "Change Plan", "error": { "cacheEmpty": "Your application was not found in our cache due to inactivity. You've been redirected accordingly, please try again!", "eligibility": "

Fetch Eligibility has failed!

ID: {{id}}
Response Code: {{code}}
Response Description: {{description1}}
TDS Error Description: {{description2}}
Timestamp: {{time}}

Please contact {{phoneNumber}} for assistance.

", "submit": "

Enrollment Submit has failed!

ID: {{id}}
Response Code: {{code}}
Response Description: {{description1}}
TDS Error Description: {{description2}}
Policy Error: {{policyError}}
Insurance Member Error: {{insuranceMemberActivityError}}
Timestamp: {{time}}

Please update the information entered or contact {{phoneNumber}} for assistance.

", "tooManySubmitAttempts": "

You have exceeded the max number of submit attempts. Please review your information and try again later.

", "userUnlinked": "You must link your account to continue this application." }, "haveApplication": "You have an existing application,", "loading-header": "Next Step is to gather more information to find out more about your eligibility.", "loading-sub-header": "You will be redirected to a new page shortly.", "or": "or", "resumeApplication": "resume application", "startNewApplication": "start a new one" }, "editGroups": { "applicantAge": "Age: {{age}}", "applicantDob": "Date of birth: {{dob}}", "applicantName": "Member: {{fullName}}", "groupN": "Group {{index}}", "groupNTitle": "Group {{index}}:", "metadata": "", "newGroup": "(New Group)", "notEligible": "This applicant is not eligible for the selected enrollment group.", "tabTitle": "Edit Groups", "text": "Based on your application, we put household members into the groups below. You can choose the plan for everyone, a separate plan for each person, or some other grouping.", "title": "Health Plan Groups" }, "employerBenefit": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Employer Benefit" }, "en": "English", "enrollment": { "authUser": { "addAuthUser": "An authorized user is a trusted individual who you choose to act on your behalf regarding your health coverage and related matters.", "address": "Address", "applicantSignatureText": "By signing, you, {{applicantName}}, allow this person permission to talk about this application with us, see your information, and act for your matters related to this application, including getting information about your application and signing your application on behalf.", "details": "Authorized User Details", "dropdown": { "child": "Child", "domesticPartner": "Domestic Partner", "foster": "Foster Care Placement", "spouse": "Spouse", "ward": "Ward" }, "header": "Do you want to add an Authorized User?", "signature": "Signature & Agreement" }, "broker": { "header": "Broker Information", "no-broker-found": "No Broker Found", "working-with-broker": "Are you working with an agent/broker?" }, "buttons": { "add-broker": "Add Broker", "addDependent": "Add Dependent", "deleteDependent": "DELETE", "edit": "EDIT", "next": "Next", "no": "NO", "skip": "Skip", "submit": "Submit", "yes": "YES" }, "dependents": { "addDependent": { "addressMatchesSelf": "Does this dependent have the same residential and mailing address as you?", "coverageInformation": "Tell us about this dependent’s coverage information.", "currentHealthInsuranceAlert": "

", "dependent": "Dependent", "disability": "Does this dependent have a disability?", "dropdown": { "child": "Child", "childInLaw": "Son-in-law or Daughter-in-law", "civilUnionPartner": "Civil Union Partner", "courtAppointedGuardian": "Court Appointed Guardian", "cousin": "Cousin", "domesticPartner": "Domestic Partner", "exSpouse": "Ex-Spouse", "fosterChild": "Foster Child", "grandchild": "Grandson or Granddaughter", "grandparent": "Grandfather or Grandmother", "guardian": "Guardian", "nephewOrNiece": "Nephew or Niece", "otherRelationship": "Other Relationship", "otherRelative": "Other Relative", "parent": "Father or Mother", "parentDomesticPartner": "Parent's Domestic Partner", "parentInLaw": "Mother-in-law or Father-in-law", "sibling": "Brother or Sister", "siblingInLaw": "Brother-in-law or Sister-in-law", "sponsoredDependent": "Sponsored Dependent", "spouse": "Spouse", "stepchild": "Stepson or Stepdaughter", "stepparent": "Stepparent", "trustee": "Trustee", "uncleOrAunt": "Uncle or Aunt", "ward": "Ward" }, "error": { "dependent-disability": "Dependent disability field is required", "health-insurance-coverage": "Health insurance coverage field is required", "hispanic": "Is Hispanic field is required", "match-address": "Match address field is required", "medicare-eligibility": "Medicare eligibility field is required", "medicare-partAB": "Medicare parts A or B field is required", "tobacco-usage": "Tobacco usage field is required" }, "hasCurrentInsuranceCoverage": "Does this dependent currently have health insurance coverage?", "header": "Add Dependents", "homeAddress": "Residential Address", "isCoveredUnderMedicarePartAB": "Is this dependent covered under Medicare Parts A or B?", "isMedicareEligible": "Is this dependent eligible for Medicare?", "lowAgeChild": "

Important information about dependents below {{minAgeChild}}

You can not add a child below the age of {{minAgeChild}}.

", "lowAgeOtherRelationship": "

Important information about this dependent below {{minAgeOtherRelationship}}

You can not add a dependent with this relationship below the age of {{minAgeOtherRelationship}}.

", "lowAgeSpouse": "

Important information about dependents below {{minAgeSpouse}}

You can not add a spouse below the age of {{minAgeSpouse}}.

", "mailingAddress": "Mailing Address", "medicareEligibleAlert": "

You have selected that you are eligible for Medicare.

Please note: If this dependent is eligible for Medicare, the individual policy will coordinate as secondary payor to what Medicare paid or would have paid. Individual policies do not operate as Medicare supplement policies.

", "medicareNotice": "

You may qualify for a Medicare plan.

Based on the date of birth entered, you or a dependent (if applicable) may qualify for a Medicare plan. For more information, please visit ibx.com or contact a licensed agent at {{phoneNumber}} (TTY/TDD: 711) 8 a.m. - 8 p.m., 7 days a week. If you wish to continue viewing non-Medicare plans, please select the Next button below.

", "medicarePartAOrBAlert": "

You cannot continue with this application.

Please note: If you are eligible for Medicare, the individual policy will coordinate as secondary payor to what Medicare paid or would have paid. Individual policies do not operate as Medicare supplement policies.

", "overageChild": "

Important information about dependents over {{maxAgeChild}}

You can only add a child over the age of {{maxAgeChild}} if they are disabled.

", "overageOtherRelationship": "

Important information about this dependent over {{maxAgeOtherRelationship}}

You can not add a dependent with this relationship over the age of {{maxAgeOtherRelationship}}.

", "overageSpouse": "

Important information about dependents over {{maxAgeSpouse}}

You can not add a spouse over the age of {{maxAgeSpouse}}.

", "whyAddressDifferent": "Tell us why this dependent's address is different from yours.", "whyApplyForCoverage": "Tell us why this dependent is applying for coverage.", "whyLastNameDifferent": "Tell us why this dependent's last name is different from the applicant." }, "header": "Dependents" }, "employerBenefit": { "affordableHeader": "Great news! Based on your employer's contribution amount, your ICHRA is affordable!", "affordableText": "Your individual coverage HRA meets requirements for \"affordability.\" You (and any household members who the HRA offer extends to) won't be eligible for the premium tax credit for Marketplace coverage, even if you decline (or opt-out of) the individual coverage HRA. It's a good idea to accept your employer's individual coverage HRA offer to help pay your premiums and enroll in a plan.", "enterTin-1": "Enter your employer's Employer Identification Number to retrieve your employer's information and HRA contribution.", "enterTin-2": "Based on your employer's contribution amount we can determine if the using your employer benefit is more affordable for you.", "hasIchra": "Has your employer offered you an Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA)?", "header": "Employer Benefit", "noEmployer": "We couldn't find your Employer Identification Number in our system. Check the EIN and try again or enter your defined contribution below to continue.", "noResults": "No results found.", "notAffordableHeader": "Based on your employer's contribution amount, your ICHRA is not affordable.", "notAffordableText": "We will continue your enrollment without applying your HRA." }, "error": { "invalidMaxAge": "You must be less than {{maxAge}} years of age to enroll.", "invalidMinAge": "You must be at least {{minAge}} years of age to enroll." }, "personalInfo": { "billingAddressDifferent": "Billing address is different than primary residence", "citizenStatus": "Are you a U.S. citizen?", "contact": "Your Contact", "coverage": "Coverage", "coveredUnderMedicarePartAlert": "

You cannot continue with this application.

Please note: If you are eligible for Medicare, the individual policy will coordinate as secondary payor to what Medicare paid or would have paid. Individual policies do not operate as Medicare supplement policies. For more assistance, please contact {{phoneNumber}}.

", "detail": "Personal Detail", "emailCommunication": "I would like to sign up for email communication", "error": { "health-insurance-coverage": "Health insurance coverage field is required", "hispanic": "Is Hispanic field is required", "maritalStatus": "Marital status field is required", "medicare-eligibility": "Medicare eligibility field is required", "medicare-partAB": "Medicare parts A or B field is required", "other-resident": "Other resident field is required", "resident": "Is resident field is required", "tobacco-usage": "Tobacco usage field is required", "us-citizen": "Is US citizen field is required" }, "hasCurrentInsuranceCoverage": "Do you currently have health insurance coverage?", "header": "Personal Information", "healthcareCoverageInfo": "Tell us about your coverage information.", "helathcareCoverageReason": "Tell us why you are applying for coverage.", "hispanic": "Hispanic, Latino or Spanish Origin", "hispanicTitle": "Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?", "isCoveredUnderMedicarePartAB": "Are you covered under Medicare Parts A or B?", "isMedicareEligible": "Are you eligible for Medicare?", "isOtherResidence": "Do you maintain a home in any other state or country?", "isResident": "Are you a resident of {{residentState}}?", "learn": "How did you learn about this?", "mailingAddressDifferent": "Mailing address is different than primary residence", "mailingAddressSame": "Mailing Address the same as residential address", "married": "married", "martialSelfTitle": "What is your marital status?", "medicareEligibilityAlert": "

You cannot continue with this application.

Please note: If you are eligible for Medicare, the individual policy will coordinate as secondary payor to what Medicare paid or would have paid. Individual policies do not operate as Medicare supplement policies. For more assistance, please contact {{phoneNumber}}.

", "notHispanic": "Not Hispanic", "otherResidence": "Other Residence", "pleaseSpecify": "Please specify ", "preferredLanguageLabel": "Language", "preferredLanguageTitle": "What is your preferred language for future email communications?", "primaryResidence": "Primary Residence", "profile": "Your Profile", "race": { "americanIndian": "American Indian or Alaskan Native", "anotherNotListed": "Another race not listed", "asianIndian": "Asian Indian", "asianNotListed": "An Asian race not listed above", "black": "Black / African American", "chinese": "Chinese", "filipino": "Filipino", "guamanian": "Guamanian/Chamorro", "hawaiian": "Native Hawaiian", "japanese": "Japanese", "korean": "Korean", "pacificIslanderNotListed": "A Pacific Islander race not listed above", "samoan": "Samoan", "vietnamese": "Vietnamese", "white": "White" }, "raceEthnicityLabel": "Race/Ethnicity", "residence": "Your Residence", "residencyStatusTitle": "What is your residency status?", "residentAlert": "

You cannot continue with this application.

You have indicated that you are not a {{residentState}} resident. You must be a {{residentState}} resident to apply for this coverage; otherwise your application will be cancelled. If you are a {{residentState}} resident, you can change your response to ‘Yes’ to continue.

", "selectRaceTitle": "Please select your race/ethnicity:", "single": "single", "termsConditions": "By checking this box I agree to the Terms and Conditions.", "textCommunication": "I would like to sign up for text communication", "tobacco": "Tobacco Usage" }, "phoneType": { "cell": "Cell", "home": "Home", "work": "Work" }, "placeholders": { "address": "Address", "alternatePhone": "Alt. Phone Number (Optional)", "applicantSignature": "Applicant Signature", "billingAddress": "Billing Address", "billingAddress1": "Billing Address 1", "billingAddress2": "Billing Address 2 (Optional)", "carrier": "Carrier", "city": "City", "companyName": "Company Name", "country": "Country", "county": "County", "coverageDate": "Coverage Date", "date": "Date", "dateOfBirth": "Date of Birth", "description": "Description", "distance": "Distance", "duration": "Duration of stay each year", "email": "Email", "employerAddressFirst": "Employer Address 1", "employerAddressSecond": "Employer Address 2 (Optional)", "exchangeId": "Exchange ID", "firstName": "First Name", "gender": "Gender", "homeAddress1": "Home Address 1", "homeAddress2": "Home Address 2 (Optional)", "hraAmount": "HRA contribution", "lastName": "Last Name", "mailingAddress": "Mailing Address", "mailingAddress1": "Mailing Address 1", "mailingAddress2": "Mailing Address 2 (Optional)", "middleInitial": "Middle Name (Optional)", "miles": "miles", "name": "Name", "npn": "Search Broker NPN", "phoneNumber": "Phone Number", "phoneType": "Phone Type", "policyNumber": "Policy Number", "preferredTimeToCall": "Best Time to Call", "relationship": "Relationship", "residencyStatus": "Residency Status", "searchPlaceholder": "Doctor Name", "specialties": "Specialties", "ssn": "Social Security Number (Optional)", "state": "State", "streetAddress1": "Street Address 1", "streetAddress2": "Street Address 2 (Optional)", "suffix": "Suffix (Optional)", "termRenewalDate": "Term/Renewal Date", "terminationDate": "Termination Date", "tinNumber": "Employer Identification Number", "zip": "Zip Code" }, "provider": { "assign": { "noProvidersFound": "No Providers have been found" }, "header": "Provider Information", "search": { "instructions": "Have a preferred doctor? Enter their name here. No preferred doctor?
You can skip this page.", "providerResults": "{{value}} Provider Results Found", "searchText": "I am looking for a health plan that accepts my doctor named", "selectedProvidersTitle": "Selected Providers", "title": "Select Your Doctors" } }, "referralSource": { "email": "Email", "magazine": "Magazine", "mail": "Mail", "online": "Online", "other": "Other", "referral": "Referred", "title": "Referral Source" }, "responsibleParty": { "address": "Your Address", "contact": "Your Contact", "dropdown": { "child": "Child", "father": "Father", "mother": "Mother", "parent": "Father or Mother", "self": "Self", "spouse": "Spouse" }, "header": "Responsible Party", "ssn": "Social Security Number", "subHeader": "Responsible Party is the individual who is financially responsible for payment of bills." }, "summary": { "attestation": { "applicantSignature": "Applicant Signature", "applicantSignatureHeader": "Applicant", "applicantSignatureText": "By signing below, you hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the submissions you have made in this application are true and complete to the best of your knowledge and you agree to accept the terms and conditions of enrollment above.", "brokerNpn": "NPN", "brokerSignature": "Broker Signature", "brokerSignatureHeader": "Broker", "brokerSignatureHeaderOptional": "Broker (Optional)", "brokerSignatureText": "By signing below, you hereby certify that as a Certified Individual, you helped the applicant complete this application and that the submissions you have made in this application are true and complete to the best of your knowledge.", "catastrophicPlanHeader": "Catastrophic plans", "catastrophicPlanText": "

If you are 30 years or older and want to enroll in a Catastrophic plan, you must apply for a hardship exemption to qualify.

Learn more about catastrophic plans

", "date": "Date", "hasDentalCoverageSubtitle": "Do you already have a dental plan ?", "hasDentalCoverageTitle": "Dental plan", "mustAgree": "You must agree to this notice to be able to proceed to enrollment.", "selectTodayDate": "Please select today's date", "termsAndConditionsHeader": "Terms and Conditions of Enrollment", "termsAndConditionsText": "

This website is operated by {{carrierName}} and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace website at www.healthcare.gov.

This website does not display all Qualified Health Plans available through www.healthcare.gov.

To see all available Qualified Health Plan options, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace website at www.healthcare.gov.

You should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace website at www.healthcare.gov if:

" }, "authUser": "Authorized User", "ccp": { "applicantSignatureText": "By signing below, you hereby certify under the pains and penalties of perjury that the submissions you have made in this application are true and complete to the best of your knowledge. You agree to accept the terms and conditions of enrollment above and acknowledge that you have read the Consumer Choice plan notice.", "businessName": "Name of Business (Optional)", "header": "Consumer Choice Plan", "plan-notice": "You have selected a 'Consumer Choice' health benefit plan. Read your plan notice to submit your application.", "plan-notice-button": "View Plan Notice", "renewal-notice": "If you are renewing your plan, read your plan renewal notice to submit your application.", "renewal-notice-button": "Plan Renewal Notice" }, "confirm-start-date": "Confirm coverage start date based on your selection", "header": "Review", "plan": { "monthlyPayment": "Monthly Payment", "planName": "Plan Name", "selectedPlan": "Selected Plan" }, "responsibleParty": "Responsible Party" } }, "enrollmentGroups": { "cannotModify": "Can't modify this group due to {{reason}} restriction.", "eligibleGroup": "Eligible Group {{number}}", "member": "Member {{index}}:", "metadata": "", "plan": "Plan: ", "pluralCanNotChangePlan": "{{names}} and {{name}} are not eligible for a plan change.", "singularCanNotChangePlan": "{{name}} is not eligible for a plan change.", "subtitle": "Based on your application, we put your household members into the groups below. You can choose the plan for everyone, a separate plan for each person, or some other grouping.", "tabTitle": "Enrollment Groups", "title": "Health Plan Groups" }, "enrollmentGroups-planSelection": { "tabTitle": "Enrollment Group Plan Selection" }, "error": { "allFieldsRequired": "Please fill out all required fields", "formatError": "{{fieldName}} is in the incorrect format", "generic": "

Technical Difficulties

Error: {{errorMessage}}

Please update the information entered or contact {{phoneNumber}} for assistance.

", "invalidForm": "One of the selected options is not properly filled out", "invalidPattern": "The entered value does not match the expected pattern", "maxLengthError": "{{fieldName}} is {{actualValue}} character(s), and must be no more than {{requiredLength}} characters", "maxNumberOfDependents": "The maximum number of dependents you can add is {{max}}", "minLengthError": "{{fieldName}} is {{actualValue}} character(s), and must be at least {{requiredLength}} characters", "multipleSpouse": "No more than one spouse allowed, please modify the form to save", "requiredError": "{{fieldName}} is required", "technicalDifficulties": " Technical Difficulties", "tryAgain": "Please try again." }, "es": "Español", "footer": { "accessibility-statement": "Accessibility Statement", "accessibilityStatementContent": "

Accessibility Statement

Accessibility Statement text

", "contact": "Contact", "contactContent": "


Contact text

", "copyright": "Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved", "disclaimer": "Insurance products sold and serviced by independent licensed insurance agencies. {Company}, LLC, a Pennsylvania resident licensed insurance agency (license #485699) serves as the agent/producer for the Medicare-Related Insurance Plans. {Company}, LLC is also licensed as a nonresident insurance agency, or otherwise authorized to transact business as an insurance agency, in all 50 states (including California, license #OF74410) and the District of Columbia. {Company} and its affiliates are not licensed agents/producers and do not sell or service insurance products. Softheon does not sell insurance.", "disclosures": { "fifth": "Please note that each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its products.

", "first": "{Company} powered by Softheon is an {Company}-branded eCommerce website. Softheon, Inc. powers this online insurance marketplace by providing web-based information systems. Softheon does not sell insurance.

", "fourth": "Providers that offer {Company}-branded insurance products pay royalty fees to {Company} for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of {Company}. {Company} and its affiliates are not insurers, agents, brokers or producers and do not employ or endorse agents, brokers or producers.

", "second": "This website makes available insurance products and services issued and sold through unaffiliated third parties but does not include all insurance companies or all types of insurance products available in the marketplace. You are encouraged to consider your needs when selecting products. {Company} does not make product recommendations for individuals.

", "sixth": "dental disclosure", "third": "{Company}, LLC, a Pennsylvania resident licensed insurance agency (license #XXXXX) serves as the agent/producer for the Medicare-Related Insurance Plans. {Company}, LLC is also licensed as a nonresident insurance agency, or otherwise authorized to transact business as an insurance agency, in all 50 states (including California, license #OF74410) and the District of Columbia.

", "title": "View Important Disclosures Below

" }, "faq": "FAQ", "faqContent": "


FAQ text

", "language-assistance": "Language Assistance", "nonDiscriminationContent": "

Non Discrimination

Non Discrimination text

", "nondiscrimination-notice": "Nondiscrimination Notice", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "privacyPolicyContent": "

Privacy Policy

Privacy policy text

", "site-map": { "about": "ABOUT", "accessibility-statement": "Accessibility Statement", "all-products": "All Products", "join": "Join ABCD", "membership-title": "MEMBERSHIP", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "renew": "Renew Membership", "shop": "SHOP", "site-map": "Sitemap", "social-media": "SOCIAL MEDIA", "terms-of-service": "Terms of Service", "view-membership": "View your member Benefits on ABCD.zzz" }, "telemarketerIcon-alt": "Telemarketer Contact Me Icon", "terms-of-use": "Terms of Use", "termsOfUseContent": "

Terms of Use

Terms of Use text

" }, "gender": { "dropdown": { "female": "Female", "male": "Male", "preferNotToSay": "Prefer not to say" } }, "header": { "alt-text-logo": "The header logo", "aria-account": "The user account drop down menu button icon", "call-banner": "Call a licensed insurance agent/producer:[{{phoneNumber}}] {{schedule}}", "drop-down-options": { "option-1": "Option 1", "option-2": "Option 2" }, "home": "Home", "languages": { "english": "English", "spanish": "Español" }, "learn": "learn", "learn-more": { "learn-1": "Catastrophic Plans", "learn-2": "Report Changes", "learn-3": "Submit Documents", "title": "Learn" }, "linked": "Linked", "resource": "resource", "resources": { "resource-1": "For Agents/Brokers", "title": "Additional Resources" }, "screen-reader-account-dropdown": "The header account button drop down options", "sign-in": "SIGN IN", "sign-out": "SIGN OUT", "unlinked": "Unlinked" }, "hra": { "decision": { "accept-my-hra": "Accept my HRA", "accept-my-hra-info": "Accept your employer’s contribution and start shopping for a plan.", "affordability": "AFFORDABILITY", "affordable": "Affordable", "attestation-accept-affordable": "By checking this box, I confirm that I will be accepting my employer’s contribution offer of ${{contribution}} per month.", "attestation-accept-not-affordable": "By checking this box, I confirm that I will be accepting my employer’s contribution offer of ${{contribution}} per month.", "attestation-reject-affordable": "By checking this box, I confirm that I will be rejecting my employer’s contribution offer of ${{contribution}} per month. I will not be able to use a premium tax credit instead", "attestation-reject-not-affordable": "By checking this box, I confirm that I will be rejecting my employer’s contribution offer of ${{contribution}} per month. I will be able to use the ${{aptc}} premium tax credit instead.", "back": "BACK", "continue": "CONTINUE", "contribution-amount-value": "${{amount}}", "hra-offer": "HRA OFFER", "may-save-most": "This option may save you the most money.", "not-affordable": "Not Affordable", "per-month": "per month", "reject-my-hra": "Reject my HRA", "reject-my-hra-info": "Reject your employer’s contribution and shop for a plan on your own.", "route-metadata": "Accept or Reject your HRA offer", "route-title": "Accept or Reject", "sub-title": "Thanks for reviewing your offer! Next, choose whether to accept or decline your employer’s contribution offer.", "tax-credit": "TAX CREDIT", "tax-credit-amount-value": "${{amount}}", "title-affordable": "How would you like to respond to your offer?", "title-not-affordable": "Would you like to accept or reject your offer?" }, "edit-hra-info": { "add-dependent": "+ ADD DEPENDENT", "county": "County", "dependent-count-1": "{{count}} Dependent", "dependent-count-multi": "{{count}} Dependents", "frequency": "Frequency", "income": "Income", "title": "Confirm the following information to ensure that the information your employer provided us about your household is accurate.", "update": "UPDATE", "who-covered": "Who will be covered", "yearly": "Yearly", "your-income": "Your household income", "your-zip-code": "Your zip code", "zip-code": "Zip Code" }, "hra-person-card": { "dependent": "Dependent", "non-smoker": "Non-Smoker", "relation-age": "{{relation}}, {{age}}", "smoker": "Smoker", "you": "You" }, "summary": { "affordable": "Affordable", "affordable-p1": "Great news! This means your employer’s contribution should cover all the necessary costs for your selected health plan.", "affordable-p2": "However, your household will not be eligible for the premium tax credit for Marketplace coverage, even if you reject the HRA offer.", "attestation": "By checking this box, I attest that the above information is correct.", "based-on-info": "Based on the information your employer provided us, this contribution is", "begin": "BEGIN", "contribution-amount-value": "${{amount}}", "disclaimer": "Your affordability calculation and premium tax credit (only if applicable) are based on the information your employer provided. Confirm that the above information is correct before continuing.", "ein": "EIN", "employee-offered-contribution": "Your employer is offering you a monthly contribution of", "greeting": "Welcome, {{name}}!", "not-affordable": "Not Affordable", "not-affordable-explanation": "Unfortunately, this means your employer’s contribution may not cover all the necessary costs for your selected health plan.", "route-metadata": "Confirm your HRA offer", "route-title": "Confirm", "tax-credit": "Tax Credit", "tax-credit-p1": "However, it’s not all bad news! This does make you eligible for a monthly premium tax credit that can go towards your selected health plan.", "tax-credit-p2": "If you choose to use this credit, you will have to reject your HRA offer.", "tax-credit-value": "${{amount}}" }, "up-next-dialog": { "confirm-enroll": "Confirm and enroll", "confirm-enroll-info": "Confirm and complete enrollment for your selected plan.", "shop-plan": "Shop for a plan", "shop-plan-info": "Based on your household needs and information, you’ll shop for a plan that fits your needs and budget.", "up-next": "Up next", "verify-eligibility": "Verify eligibility", "verify-eligibility-info": "Answer questions about your household and finances to verify your eligibility for your chosen plan.", "view-offer": "View your HRA offer", "view-offer-info": "Verify the information your employer gave us, so you can make an informed decision about whether you accept or reject your HRA contribution offer." } }, "ichra-affordability": { "affordable": { "affordable-text": "Your individual coverage HRA meets requirements for \"affordability.\" You (and any household members who the HRA offer extends to) won’t be eligible for the premium tax credit for Marketplace coverage, even if you decline (or opt-out of) the individual coverage HRA. It’s a good idea to accept your employer’s individual coverage HRA offer to help pay your premiums and enroll in a plan.", "alt-img": "Affordable image", "image-label": "Affordable", "shopping-button-text": "Start shopping", "title": "Great news! Your ICHRA is affordable" }, "form-text": { "age": "What is your age?", "hra-amount": "Enter the yearly, self-only individual coverage HRA amount offered to you by your employer.", "income": "What is your household income?", "zip-code": "What is your zip code?" }, "incomeDropdown": { "option-1": "Per Year" }, "intro-text": "Make an informed decision about purchasing health coverage by using the ICHRA Affordability Calculator.", "invalid-zip-text": "You have entered an invalid zip code.", "labels": { "age": "Age", "county": "County", "hra-amount": "HRA Amount", "income": "Income", "income-freq": "Income Frequency", "zip-code": "Zip Code" }, "metadata": "ICHRA Affordability Calculator", "not-affordable": { "alt-img": "Not Affordable image", "image-label": "Not affordable", "not-affordable-text": "Your individual coverage HRA doesn't meet requirements for \"affordability.\" You must decline (or opt-out of) the individual coverage HRA to qualify for the premium tax credit with a Marketplace plan if you're otherwise eligible.

The ICHRA you are being offered by your employer does not satisfy the definition of affordable as defined by CMS. You can either:

1. Accept the ICHRA being offered by your employer. By accepting the ICHRA contribution being offered, you are precluded from claiming a premium tax credit on your personal income tax return.

2. Or decline the ICHRA being offered, purchase the health insurance on your own (we suggest {{carrierName}}), and claim the premium tax credit on your personal income tax return. We suggest consulting your tax advisor for information on how to claim the premium tax credit on your return.", "shopping-button-text": "Start shopping on {{carrierName}}", "title": "Your ICHRA is not affordable" }, "placeholders": { "age": "Age", "hra-amount": "HRA Amount", "income": "Income", "zip-code": "Zip Code" }, "results-button-text": "See my results", "tabTitle": "ICHRA Affordability Calculator", "title": "ICHRA Affordability Calculator" }, "labels": { "birthDate": "Birth Date", "effectiveDate": "Effective Date", "emailAddress": "Email", "exchangeId": "Exchange Id", "gender": "Gender", "homeCity": "Home City", "homeState": "Home State", "homeStreet": "Home Street", "homeZip": "Home Zip Code", "mailingCity": "Mailing City", "mailingState": "Mailing State", "mailingStreet": "Mailing Street Address", "mailingZip": "Mailing Zip Code", "name": "Name", "phoneNumber": "Phone Number", "relationship": "Relationship", "ssn": "SSN" }, "languageResources": { "all": "All Languages", "header": "Language Resources", "metadata": "This is the other language resources page", "tabTitle": "Other Language Resources", "top": "Most Common Languages" }, "languages": { "albanian": "Albanian", "amharic": "Amharic", "arabic": "Arabic", "armenian": "Armenian", "bantu": "Bantu-Kirundi", "bengali": "Bengali-Bangala", "bisayan": "Bisayan-Visayan", "burmese": "Burmese", "cambodian": "Cambodian, Mon-Khmer", "cherokee": "Cherokee", "chinese": "Chinese", "choctaw": "Choctaw", "creole": "French Creole", "cushite": "Cushite-Oromo", "dutch": "Dutch", "english": "English", "french": "French", "german": "German", "greek": "Greek", "gujarati": "Gujarati", "hawaiian": "Hawaiian", "hindi": "Hindi", "hmong": "Hmong", "ibo": "Ibo", "ilocano": "Ilocano", "indonesian": "Indonesian", "italian": "Italian", "japanese": "Japanese", "karen": "Karen", "korean": "Korean", "kru": "Kru-Bassa", "kurdish": "Kurdish-Sorani", "laotian": "Laotian", "marathi": "Marathi", "marshallese": "Marshallese", "micronesian": "Micronesian-Pohnpeian", "navajo": "Navajo", "nepali": "Nepali", "nilotic": "Nilotic-Dinka", "norwegian": "Norwegian", "pennsylvanian": "Pennsylvanian Dutch", "persian": "Persian-Farsi", "polish": "Polish", "portuguese": "Portuguese", "punjabi": "Punjabi", "romanian": "Romanian", "russian": "Russian", "samoan": "Samoan-Fa'asamoa", "serbo": "Serbo-Croatian", "spanish": "Spanish", "sudanic": "Sudanic-Fulfulde", "swahili": "Swahili", "syriac": "Syriac-Assyrian", "tagalog": "Tagalog", "telugu": "Telugu", "thai": "Thai", "tongan": "Tongan-Fakatonga", "trukese": "Trukese", "turkish": "Turkish", "ukrainian": "Ukrainian", "urdu": "Urdu", "vietnamese": "Vietnamese", "yiddish": "Yiddish", "yoruba": "Yoruba" }, "learn": { "catastrophic": { "description-1": "Only the following people are eligible:

- People under 30
- People of any age with a hardship exemption or affordability exemption (based on Marketplace or job-based insurance being unaffordable)

If you’re eligible to buy a Catastrophic plan, you’ll see them displayed when you compare plans in the Marketplace.", "description-2": "Monthly premiums are usually low, but you can’t use a premium tax credit to reduce your cost. If you qualify for a premium tax credit based on your income, a Bronze or Silver plan is likely to be a better value. Be sure to compare.

Deductibles — the amount you have to pay yourself for most services before the plan starts to pay anything — are very high.

- For 2019, the deductible for all Catastrophic plans is $7,900.
- For 2020, the deductible for all Catastrophic plans is $8,150.", "description-3": "- Catastrophic plans cover the same essential health benefits as other Marketplace plans.

- Like other plans, Catastrophic plans cover certain preventive services at no cost.

- They also cover at least 3 primary care visits per year before you’ve met your deductible.", "head-note": "Catastrophic health insurance plans have low monthly premiums and very high deductibles. They may be an affordable way to protect yourself from worst-case scenarios, like getting seriously sick or injured. But you pay most routine medical expenses yourself.", "title": "Catastrophic Plans", "title-1": "Who can buy a Catastrophic plan?", "title-2": "How much do Catastrophic plans cost?", "title-3": "What Catastrophic plans cover?" }, "report-changes": { "description-1": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", "description-2": "information here









-", "description-3": "information here









-", "head-note": "Go straight to EDE and submit relevant documents:", "title": "How to report life changes", "title-1": "How to report life changes", "title-2": "Instructions for reporting life changes", "title-3": "FAQ for reporting life changes" }, "sidebar": { "catastrophic-toggle": "Catastrophic Plans", "report-toggle": "How to report changes", "submit-toggle": "How to submit documents", "title": "Learn" }, "submit-documents": { "description-1": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.", "description-2": "information here









-", "description-3": "information here









-", "head-note": "Go straight to EDE and submit relevant documents:", "title": "How to submit documents", "title-1": "How to submit documents", "title-2": "Instructions for submitting documents", "title-3": "FAQ for submitting documents" } }, "logout": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Log out" }, "nonFfm": { "default": "

Based on your zipcode, it looks like your may be eligible for a tax subsidy.

Visit your state based marketplace to shop for state-based exchange health plans.

" }, "oktaDialog": { "link": { "authButton": "link", "expansionText": "Okta is an identity management service that allows you to access any application on any device securely using a single sign-on, protecting your sensitive data and your client's.", "expansionTitle": "What is OKTA?", "ignoreButton": "Never Mind", "text": "Your account is currently unlinked from OKTA.

You must link your account to continue to on to complete this on-exchange application. Your account will remain linked until the authentication token expires in 30 days or until you choose to unlink it.

You can choose to unlink your account at any time.", "title": "Link your account to continue" }, "linkSuccess": { "buttonText": "Okay", "text": "Your account was successfully linked.", "title": "Account linked" }, "unlink": { "authButton": "Unlink", "expansionText": "Okta is an identity management service that allows you to access any application on any device securely using a single sign-on, protecting your sensitive data and your client's.", "expansionTitle": "What is OKTA?", "ignoreButton": "Never Mind", "text": "Your account is currently linked to OKTA.

If you unlink your account, you will not be able to continue enrollment for this on-exchange application. In addition, you will be redirected to the first page of this section. However, your information will be saved.

You can choose to link your account at any time in the application.", "title": "Unlink your account?" } }, "personalInfo": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Enter Personal Info" }, "plan": { "compareAlert": "You may select up to {{max}} plans to compare. ", "comparePlan": "Compare Plan", "filters": { "applyFilters": "Apply", "clearFilters": "Clear Filters", "deductibleHeader": "Deductible:", "diseaseManagementPrograms": "Disease Management Programs:", "drugHeader": "Prescriptions", "metalTierHeader": "Metal Tier:", "outOfPocketMaxHeader": "Out of Pocket Max:", "planCarrierHeader": "Plan Carrier:", "planTypeHeader": "Plan Type:", "providerHeader": "Doctors", "title": "Filters", "totalMonthlyCostHeader": "Total Monthly Cost:" }, "loadingPlanDetails": "Loading Plan Details", "metadata": "", "noPlansFound": "No plans have been found with the entered demographics.", "noPlansFoundResetFilter1": "Please try", "noPlansFoundResetFilter2": "resetting your filters", "noPlansFoundResetFilter3": "for results", "noneSelectedAlert": "Please select a plan to continue.", "planCard": { "basicDenCareAdult": "Basic Dental Care - Adult", "basicDenCareChild": "Basic Dental Care - Child", "catEligibility": "Special Eligibility Required", "deductible": "Deductible", "deductibleFamilyGroup": "Deductible Family per group", "deductibleFamilyPerson": "Deductible Family per person", "details": "Details", "drugsCovered": "Drugs covered", "enroll": "Enroll", "enrollInThisPlan": "Enroll in this plan", "genericDrugs": "Generic Drugs", "logoAlt": "Plan Logo", "lowestCost": "Lowest Cost", "metalTier": "Metal Tier", "monthlyPayment": "Monthly Payment", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "mostPopular": "Most Popular", "newMonthlyPayment": "Your New Premium", "newPremium": "New Premium", "outOfPocketMax": "Out of Pocket Max", "outOfPocketMaxGroup": "Out of Pocket Max Family per group", "outOfPocketMaxPerson": "Out of Pocket Max Family per person", "pickedForYou": "Picked for you", "planName": "Plan Name", "planType": "Plan Type", "primaryCareVisit": "Primary Care Visit to Treat an Injury or Illness", "providerSearch": "Is my provider covered with this plan?", "providersCovered": "Providers Covered", "select": "Select", "specialVisit": "Specialist Visit", "urlForDrugFormulatory": "URL for Drug Formulary", "urlForPlanBrochure": "URL For Plan Brochure", "urlForProviderNetwork": "URL for Provider Network", "urlForSBC": "URL for SBC" }, "planCompare": { "generalPlanInformation": "General Plan Information", "maximumOutofPocket": "Maximum Out of Pocket", "metalTier": "Metal Tier", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "overallPlanRating": "Overall Plan Rating", "planDeductibles": "Plan Deductibles", "planType": "Plan Type", "print": "PRINT", "resources": "Resources", "wasPrice": "was {{oldPrice}}" }, "planDetails": { "back": "BACK TO PLANS", "documents": "Documents", "downloadBtn": "Download", "drugFormularyLink": "List of covered drugs", "enroll": "Enroll", "family": "Family", "familyPerGroup": "Family per group", "familyPerPerson": "Family per person", "generalPlanInformation": "General Plan Information", "header": "", "individual": "Individual", "maximumOutofPocket": "Maximum Out of Pocket", "medicalManagementPrograms": "Medical Management Programs", "metalTier": "Metal Tier", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "outOfPocketAnnual": "Estimated Annual Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "outOfPocketMonthly": "Estimated Monthly Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "outOfPocketTitle": "Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "planBrochureLink": "Plan Brochure", "planDeductibles": "Plan Deductibles", "planDetails": "Plan Details", "planId": "Plan ID", "planType": "Plan Type", "providerLink": "Covered Providers", "servicesAndVisits": "Services and Visits", "starRating": "Star Ratings", "summaryBenefitsCoverage": "Summary of Benefits and Coverage" }, "planName": "Plan Name", "selectedPlans": "Selected Plan", "sort": { "highDeductible": "Highest Deductible", "highMaxOutOfPocket": "Highest Max Out of Pocket", "highMonthlyPremium": "Highest Monthly Premium", "lowDeductible": "Lowest Deductible", "lowMaxOutOfPocket": "Lowest Max Out of Pocket", "lowMonthlyPremium": "Lowest Monthly Premium", "sortBy": "Sort By" }, "tabTitle": "Plan Selection" }, "popup": { "existingApplication": "USE EXISTING APPLICATION", "explanation": "It appears you have already started the enrollment process with this account, would you like to start a new application or continue with your existing application?", "haveApplication": "You have an existing application", "newApplication": "START NEW APPLICATION" }, "provider": { "assign": { "noProvidersFound": "No Providers have been found" }, "search": { "duplicateProvider": "Unable to add duplicate provider.", "instructions": "Have a preferred doctor? Enter their name here. No preferred doctor?
You can skip this page.", "providerResults": "{{value}} Provider Results Found", "searchText": "I am looking for a health plan that accepts my doctor named", "selectedProvidersTitle": "Selected Providers", "title": "Select Your Doctors" } }, "relationships": { "yourself": "yourself", "yourselfChild": "yourself and your child", "yourselfChildren": "yourself and your children", "yourselfSpouse": "yourself and your spouse", "yourselfSpouseChild": "yourself, your spouse, and your child", "yourselfSpouseChildren": "yourself, your spouse, and your children" }, "responsibleParty": { "metadata": "This is the responsible party page", "tabTitle": "Add Responsible Party" }, "review": { "adjustAptc": "Adjust your applied advanced premium tax credit - Maximum {{value}}", "appliedAptc": "Applied APTC", "attestation": { "1": "I understand that because advance payments of the premium tax credit will be paid on my behalf to reduce the cost of health coverage for myself and/or my dependents:", "2": "I must file a federal income tax return in {{coverageYearPlusOne}} for the tax year {{coverageYear}}.", "3": "If I'm married at the end of {{coverageYear}}, I must file a joint income tax return with my spouse, unless an exception applies.", "4": "I also expect that no one else will be able to claim me as a dependent on their {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return.", "5": "I'll claim a personal exemption deduction on my {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return for any individual listed on this application as a dependent who is enrolled in coverage through this Marketplace and whose premium for coverage is paid in whole or in part by advance payments of the premium tax credit for which I am the applicable tax Filer.", "6": "If any of the above changes, I understand that it may impact my ability to get the premium tax credit. 23 45 C.F.R. §155.220(c)(4)(i)(D). 24 45 CFR §155.220(c)(4)(i)(E). FFE and FF-SHOP Enrollment Manual 67", "7": "I also understand that when I file my {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will compare eligibility information for {{coverageYear}} to what I reported on my Marketplace application, including the household income on my tax return with the household income on my application. I understand changes in eligibility information could affect eligibility for the premium tax credit. For example, if the household income on my tax return is lower than the amount of expected household income on my application, I may be eligible to get an additional premium tax credit amount. On the other hand, if the income on my tax return is higher than the amount of income on my application, I may owe additional federal income tax.", "agree": "Agree", "title": "Attestation" }, "metadata": "", "newMonthlyPremium": "New Monthly Premium:", "planTable": { "coveragePeriod": "Coverage Period: {{value}}", "enrollees": "Enrollees: {{value}}", "monthlyPremiumCost": "Monthly Premium Cost: {{value}}" }, "reviewAndSubmit": "Review and Submit", "submit": "Submit", "submitApplication": "Would you like to submit your application?", "submitSubtitle": "Review your plan information and click submit to finalize your enrollment", "tabTitle": "EDE Review Results" }, "reviewGroupPlans": { "metadata": "", "noPlans": "No Plan Selected", "tabTitle": "Review Your Health Plan Choices", "title": "Review Your Health Plan Choices" }, "saveQuote": { "cancel": "CANCEL", "confirmButton": "OKAY", "help": "We need a little information first before we can save your quote.", "labels": { "effectiveDate": "Effective Date", "firstName": "Client First Name", "lastName": "Client Last Name", "npn": "Your NPN (Optional)", "quoteLink": "Link", "zip": "Zip code" }, "placeholders": { "firstName": "Client First Name", "lastName": "Client Last Name", "npn": "Your NPN (Optional)", "quoteLink": "Link", "zip": "Zip code" }, "quoteFind": "You can find all your saved quotes in the Leads section of your portal.", "quoteSaved": "Your quote has been successfully saved.", "saveButton": "SAVE", "saveButtonMain": "Save", "title": "Save a quote" }, "sep": { "metadata": "", "qualifyingNeeded": "Please select one below.", "qualifyingQuestion": "Do you have a qualifying life event that makes you eligible for enrollment?", "sepDate": "Date of qualifying life event", "sepDatePlaceholder": "Date", "sepDateTitle": "Enter the date of the qualifying life event.", "sepReasonsDetail": { "adoption": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I adopted a child" }, "agingOffPlan": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "Aging off a parent's plan" }, "birth": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I had a baby" }, "cobraExpired": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "My COBRA expired" }, "deathOfSpouse": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "My spouse died" }, "divorced": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I got divorced" }, "fpl150Sep": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin", "optionName": "I was newly offered FPL SEP" }, "ichraOffer": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I gained access to an ICHRA offer" }, "incarceration": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I was released from incarceration" }, "legalCitizen": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I became a US Citizen (legal resident)" }, "losingMedicaid": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "Losing Medicaid or CHIP" }, "lostJob": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I lost my job" }, "marriage": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I got married" }, "moved": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I moved to a new residence" }, "planNoLongerAvailable": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "Policy/plan year ending (for a plan or policy you bought yourself)" }, "qsehraOffer": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I was offered QSEHRA" }, "tribe": { "description": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam hendrerit nisi sed sollicitudin ", "optionName": "I am a member of a federally recognized tribe" } }, "sorry": "

We're Sorry!

Since you do not have a qualifying life event you cannot enroll in plans at this time. Please select a qualifying life event if you have one, or come back when open enrollment begins on {{openEnrollmentStartDate}}.

", "subtitle": "A qualifying life event is needed to enroll now.", "tabTitle": "Enter SEP", "title": "Special Enrollment Period" }, "session-expired": { "details": "

Your session has expired. This may have been caused by using more than one device or browser. To avoid this, only sign in with one device or browser at a time.

For your security, please click the \"Sign Out\" button below.

", "header": "Session expired" }, "shopping": { "choose-market": { "off-market": { "description": "Plans without subsidies and may offer varying benefits", "title-available": "Off the Market Plans ({{totalPlans}})", "title-available-sbe": "Off the Market Plans ({{totalPlans}})", "title-not-available": "Off the Market Plans are not available to you at this time" }, "on-market": { "description": "Federally subsidized plans also known as the ACA / Obamacare.", "description-sbe": "Please note these savings are just an estimate. To confirm your savings please visit your state based marketplace.", "description-without-amount": "Based on the options you chose, you may be eligible for savings. Visit your state's marketplace to shop for state-based exchange health plans.", "savings": " Savings {{savings}}/month", "savings-sbe": " Savings Estimate {{savings}}/month", "selection": " Great choice! Your health insurance quotes will reflect these savings.", "shop-marketplace": "shop marketplace plans", "title-available": "On the Market Plans ({{totalPlans}})", "title-available-sbe": "On the Market Plans", "title-not-available": "On the Market Plans are not available to you at this time" }, "sub-title": "Select your preferred type of plan:", "title-great": "Great News!
We found {{totalPlans}} plans for you.", "title-sorry": "Sorry we dont have any plans in your area" }, "common": { "add": "Add", "apply": "Apply", "cancel": "Cancel", "child": "Child {{num}}", "editInfo": "Edit Info", "female": "Female", "learn-more": "Learn More", "male": "Male", "myself": "Myself", "no": "No", "spouse": "My spouse", "yes": "Yes" }, "drugs": { "enter": "Enter drug name", "search": "Search for your drugs ({{selected}}/{{max}})" }, "effective-date": { "form": { "labels": { "coverage-date": "Coverage Date" } }, "sub-title": "The proposed effective date is the estimated date coverage begins, which may vary based on when you apply for coverage.", "title": "When do you want your coverage to begin?" }, "eligibility-groups": { "faq-answer-ichra": "Your health insurance quotes will appear at full cost. You can accept or deny your benefit during your enrollment. Continue to explore your plan options.", "faq-answer-not-qualified": "Your health insurance quotes will appear at full cost. Your ineligibility will be confirmed after you enroll. Continue to explore your plan options.", "faq-answer-not-qualified-aptc": "Your health insurance quotes may appear at full cost. This group can still be eligible for the {{aptc}} tax credit, but official ineligibility will be confirmed after you enroll. Continue to explore your plan options.", "faq-answer-qualified": "Your health insurance quotes will reflect these savings and we'll confirm your eligibility when you enroll. Continue to explore your plan options.", "faq-question": "What does this mean?", "group-number": "GROUP", "hide-extra": "Hide {{count}}...", "ichra-eligible": "I gained access to an ICHRA offer", "ichra-indicated": "You indicated that:", "income-indicated": "Based on your reported income level:", "indicated": "These people are:", "learn-more": "Learn more about Medicare & CHIP", "medicaid-eligible": "Eligible for coverage through a job, Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP", "metadata": "Eligibility Groups based on your demographics", "not-qualify": "This group may not qualify for any tax credits or subsidies.", "people-count": "{{count}} PEOPLE", "per-month": "per month", "person-count": "{{count}} PERSON", "pregnant": "Pregnant", "qualify": "You may qualify for tax credits and subsidies amounting to:", "relationships": { "child": "Child", "self": "You", "spouse": "Spouse" }, "sbm": { "faq-answer-qualified": "Your health insurance quotes will reflect these savings. Visit your state's exchange to view your exact premium tax credit amount.", "qualify-with-amount": "You may qualify for tax credits and subsidies amounting to:", "qualify-without-amount": "You may qualify for tax credits and subsidies.", "state-site": "{{siteName}}", "sub-title": "Visit your state's marketplace to shop for state-based exchange health plans." }, "sub-title": "Based on the options you chose, you or some members of your family may be eligible for savings.", "tabTitle": "Eligibility Groups", "title": "Based on your information, you could save!", "view-more": "View {{count}} more..." }, "email": { "form": { "labels": { "email": "Email" }, "placeholders": { "email": "Email" } }, "sub-title": "Enter your email and we will save your progress so you can return to this site at anytime and not have to re-submit your information.", "title": "Before you see your plans, let’s save your progress!" }, "household": { "alerts": { "chipEligible": "

Selecting this option will make you ineligible for savings.

You were offered COBRA, but didn’t enroll in it.

You work less than 30 hours per week at this job.

Your job offers coverage, but it’s more than 9.83% of your household income.

You were offered an Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA), but it’s not considered affordable.

", "disableChild": "

Important information about dependents over {{maxAgeChild}}

You can only add a dependent over the age of {{maxAgeChild}} if they are disabled.

", "medicareEligibility": "

Medicare eligibility notice

Since you entered an age of 65 or older you may be eligible for Medicare

" }, "buttons": { "addChild": "Add Child", "addSpouse": "Add Spouse" }, "error": { "dependent-disability": "Dependent disability field is required" }, "form": { "labels": { "age": "Age" }, "placeholders": {} }, "questions": { "ageChild": "How old is child {{num}}?", "ageSelf": "How old are you?", "ageSpouse": "How old is your spouse?", "disableChild": "Does child {{num}} have a disability?", "genderChild": "What is child {{num}}'s gender?", "genderSelf": "What is your gender?", "genderSpouse": "What is your spouses gender?", "medicaidOption": "Eligible for coverage through a job, Medicare, Medicaid, or CHIP", "optionalQuestions": "Select any that apply", "pregnantOption": "Pregnant", "tobaccoOption": "Tobacco user" }, "title": "Who are you shopping coverage for?", "tooltips": { "ageChild": "Enter age in years. If the child is under the age of 1, enter 0. The child's age cannot exceed {{maxAge}}." } }, "income": { "form": { "labels": { "income": "Income" }, "placeholders": { "income": "Income" } }, "title": "What is your yearly income?" }, "plan-card": { "ccp": "Consumer Choice Plan", "compare": "Compare", "coveredOutOfTotal": "({{covered}} out of {{total}})", "csrTooltip": "Lowers the amount you have to pay for things like deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.", "deductible": "Deductible:", "extraSaving": "EXTRA SAVINGS", "monthly-premium": "Monthly Premium:", "noneSelected": "(none selected)", "outOfPocketMax": "Out of Pocket Max:", "planDetails": "Plan Details", "seeCoveredDoctors": "See Covered Doctors & Facilities", "seeCoveredPrescriptions": "See Covered Prescriptions", "specialEligibilityRequired": "Special Eligibility Required", "wasPrice": "was {{oldPrice}}" }, "providers": { "enter": "Enter doctor or facility name", "search": "Search for your doctors & facilities" }, "shop-plans": { "doctors-drugs": { "addDoctor": "Doctors & Facilities", "addPrescription": "Prescriptions", "header": "Doctors and Prescriptions", "headerDoctorOnly": "Doctors", "headerDrugOnly": "Prescriptions" }, "enrollConfirmPopup": { "confirmButton": "OKAY", "confirmText": "To continue with your application you will be asked to create an account and sign in on the following page. Doing this will help save your progress as you navigate the enrollment process", "header": "You will be asked to sign in on the following screen" }, "header": { "incomeIs": "my income is", "liveIn": "and I live in", "shoppingFor": "I am shopping for" }, "offTheMarket": "Off the Market Plans", "onTheMarket": "On the Market Plans" }, "zip-code": { "alerts": { "invalid-zip": "

You have entered an invalid zip code.

" }, "form": { "labels": { "county": "County", "zip-code": "Zip Code" }, "placeholders": { "zip-code": "Zip Code" } }, "title": "Where do you live?" } }, "starRating": { "medicalCare": "Medical Care", "medicalCareDescription": "Based on providers improving or maintaining the health of their patients with regular screenings, tests, vaccines, and condition monitoring", "memberExperience": "Member Experience", "memberExperienceDescription": "Based on member satisfaction surveys about their health care, doctors, and ease of getting appointments and services", "noRatingInfo": "No Rating Information Available", "notRated": "Not Rated", "overallRating": "Overall Rating", "overallRatingDescription": "Overall star rating is based on the categories below", "overallRatingTooltip": "Plan quality ratings and enrollee survey results are calculated by CMS using data provided by health plans in 2019. The ratings are being displayed for health plans for the 2020 plan year. Learn more about these ratings HERE", "planAdministration": "Plan Administration", "planAdministrationDescription": "Based on how well a plan is run, including customer service, access to needed information, and providers ordering appropriate tests and treatment" }, "state": { "selectState": "Select your State" }, "summary": { "calculating": "We are calculating your next steps", "metadata": "", "noOneEligible": "You are not eligible to enroll in Marketplace coverage", "nonSepCic": "Your current enrollment request may be the result of a non special enrollment period change in circumstance. This means that while you do not qualify for an sep, you are still able to re-submit your application based on your change in circumstance. Please note that you will not be able to change your previous plan selections in this scenario.", "otherOptions": "Learn about your options", "stepsBulletPoints": [ "Decide on tax credit to use to lower your premium", "Report tobacco usage", "See if plans cover your doctor and prescriptions", "Choose health plans", "Confirm your plan choices and enroll" ], "stepsBulletPoints-NonSepCic": [ "Verify your tax credit amount", "Report tobacco usage", "Keep your existing plan selections (no changes allowed)", "Confirm your plan choices and enroll" ], "stepsTitle": "You will be asked to complete these tasks on the following pages:", "subtitle": "Great News! You are eligible to enroll in Marketplace coverage.", "subtitle-oe-closed": "You are eligible to enroll in Marketplace coverage, eventhough the open enrollment period has ended.", "tabTitle": "Summary", "title": "Eligibility Summary" }, "sviTypes": { "198_ADOPTION": "Gaining a Dependent", "200_MOVED_TO_NEW_SERVICE_AREA": "Permanently Moving", "203_MARRIAGE": "Getting Married", "209_MEC_LOSS": "Losing qualifying health coverage", "472_SEP_GRANTED_FOR_MDCAID_DENIAL": "Medicaid or CHIP Denial" }, "tax-credit": { "csr-notification": "Based on your household and income information, you are qualified for extra savings known as \"cost-sharing reductions.\"
Cost-sharing reduction lowers the amount you have to pay for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
You must enroll in a plan in the Silver category to get the extra savings. If you enroll in a plan in another health plan category,
you can still use a premium tax credit but, you won’t get these extra savings.", "csr-notification-tribe": "Based on your acknowledgment of being part of a federally recognized tribe, you are qualified for extra savings known as \"cost-sharing reductions.\"
Cost-sharing reduction lowers the amount you have to pay for deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance.
You must enroll in a plan in the Silver category to get the extra savings. If you enroll in a plan in another health plan category,
you can still use a premium tax credit but, you won’t get these extra savings.", "estimated-savings": "Your estimated savings are", "estimated-savings-amount": "${{aptc}}/month", "ichra": { "multi": { "heading": "Important: Decline the individual coverage HRA offer", "text-1": "{{name}} should decline the individual coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) offer and use the tax credit instead. You can't use both. If you accept the HRA offer and use the tax credit, you'll have to pay back the tax credit on their federal income taxes." }, "multi-covered": { "heading": "Important: Decline the individual coverage HRA offer", "text-1": "{{name1}} and {{name2}} should decline the individual coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) offer and use the tax credit instead. They can't use both. If they accept the HRA offer and use the tax credit, they'll have to pay back the tax credit on their federal income taxes." }, "single": { "heading": "Important: Decline the individual coverage HRA offer", "text-1": "Decline the individual coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) offer and use the tax credit instead. You can't use both. If you accept the HRA offer and use the tax credit, you'll have to pay back the tax credit on your federal income taxes." } }, "options": { "all": "Apply all of the tax credit each month", "custom": "Apply custom amount", "none": "Apply no tax credit (none)", "title": "Choose how you would like to handle your tax credit:" }, "qsehra": { "multi": { "heading": "Before {{name}} decides how much tax credit to use, use this worksheet to determine if you're qualified to use it with your Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA).", "sub-heading-1": "If you qualify to use the premium tax credit with your QSEHRA", "sub-heading-2": "If you don't qualify to use the premium tax credit with your QSEHRA", "text-1": "Lower the amount of tax credit you use each month by your monthly QSEHRA amount. If the employer's HRA notice shows a monthly QSEHRA amount, subtract that amount from the monthly tax credit amount you qualify for in the Marketplace. If the employer's HRA notice shows a QSEHRA amount for the year, divide that amount by the number of months you'll be covered (most people are covered for 12 months).", "text-2": "Use $0 of your premium tax credit. You can't use a premium tax credit with your QSEHRA to lower the cost of a Marketplace plan. If you use any of your premium tax credit, you may have to pay it back when you file your taxes." }, "multi-covered": { "heading": "Before {{name1}} and {{name2}} decide how much tax credit to use, use this worksheet to determine if they're qualified to use it with their Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA).", "sub-heading-1": "If they qualify to use the premium tax credit with their QSEHRA", "sub-heading-2": "If they don't qualify to use the premium tax credit with their QSEHRA", "text-1": "Lower the amount of tax credit they use each month by their monthly QSEHRA amount. If the employer's HRA notice shows a monthly QSEHRA amount, subtract that amount from the monthly tax credit amount they qualify for in the Marketplace. If the employer's HRA notice shows a QSEHRA amount for the year, divide that amount by the number of months they'll be covered (most people are covered for 12 months).", "text-2": "Use $0 of their premium tax credit. They can't use a premium tax credit with their QSEHRA to lower the cost of a Marketplace plan. If they use any of their premium tax credit, they may have to pay it back when they file their taxes." }, "single": { "heading": "Before you decide how much tax credit to use, use this worksheet to determine if you're qualified to use it with your Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (QSEHRA).", "sub-heading-1": "If you qualify to use the premium tax credit with your QSEHRA", "sub-heading-2": "If you don't qualify to use the premium tax credit with your QSEHRA", "text-1": "Lower the amount of tax credit you use each month by your monthly QSEHRA amount. If the employer's HRA notice shows a monthly QSEHRA amount, subtract that amount from the monthly tax credit amount you qualify for in the Marketplace. If the employer's HRA notice shows a QSEHRA amount for the year, divide that amount by the number of months you'll be covered (most people are covered for 12 months).", "text-2": "Use $0 of your premium tax credit. You can't use a premium tax credit with your QSEHRA to lower the cost of a Marketplace plan. If you use any of your premium tax credit, you may have to pay it back when you file your taxes." } }, "select-aptc": "($) Select an APTC", "subtitle": "Use your tax credit to lower your monthly premium", "text-1": "If any of these things change over the year, the tax credit amount you qualify for can change. For example, if your income goes up during the year, you'll likely qualify for a lower tax credit. If you take more tax credit than you're eligible for, you may have to pay money back when you file your federal taxes at the end of the year.", "text-2": "If your income or household changes, it's very important to update your Marketplace application as soon as possible to avoid paying money back on your federal taxes.", "text-3": "If you choose not to use any of your tax credit, you'll claim the full amount on your federal taxes.", "text-4": "If your employer helps pay for health coverage through a health reimbursement arrangement (HRA), you may want to adjust the amount of tax credit you use before continuing. Learn more to see how to use your tax credit based on your HRA.", "title": "Tax Credit", "too-much-aptc": "Selected APTC is higher than the max allowed" }, "thankYou": { "actionBtnText": "You will be redirected to {{carrierName}} account management homepage. Make sure to write down your subscriber ID above.", "actionBtnTitle": "What should I do now?", "additionalCoverage": { "dentalInsurance": "Dental insurance", "subtitleBoth": "You are eligible to purchase both dental and vision plans.", "subtitleDentalOnly": "You are eligible to purchase dental plans.", "subtitleVisionOnly": "You are eligible to purchase vision plans.", "title": "Need additional coverage?", "visionInsurance": "Vision insurance" }, "appComplete": "You have completed your application.", "applicationReview": "Application Review", "asyncAlerts": { "income_completed": "We've successfully confirmed your income

We confirmed the income information you put in your application.", "income_pending": "We're checking your income

We're confirming the income information you put in your application. If we need more information, we'll tell you what to do next in My Accounts.", "send_documents": "Send documents immediately

We're confirming the income information you put in your application. We will send you a notification if we need more information. You can check the status in Application Details or Account Management." }, "buttons": { "letUsGo": "Let's Go", "makePayment": "Make a Payment", "uploadDocuments": "Upload Documents" }, "confirmationId": "Your confirmation ID", "edu": { "communications": { "heading": "Expect communications from us and from the Marketplace. When you hear from HealthCare.gov:", "issue-step": "Upload documents through [insert EDE Entity's name]. We can help you submit documents if the Marketplace needs to confirm your information.", "static-step-1": "Read your notices and emails", "static-step-2": "HealthCare.gov may send you notices and communications about your coverage. Log in to your account with us to view your Marketplace notices, make updates to your application or coverage, and manage your information.", "static-step-3": "Download forms you'll need when you file your federal income tax return." }, "headline": { "heading": "Congratulations!", "no-svi": "You've enrolled in Marketplace coverage through [insert EDE Entity's name].", "svi": "You've chosen a plan. You can start using your health coverage after you submit documents and the Marketplace confirms you're eligible to enroll through a Special Enrollment Period. The sooner you submit documents, the sooner your coverage can become active. See below for more information about next steps." }, "next-steps": { "dmi-secondary-step-1": "Submit required documents to the Marketplace for the following people. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions]. ", "dmi-secondary-step-2": "If you confirmed your Special Enrollment Period eligibility and your coverage has begun, but you don't submit these additional documents by the deadlines listed above, you may not be able to keep your Marketplace health coverage, along with any financial help you may be getting.", "dmi-step-1": "Pay your premiums. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions].", "dmi-step-2": "Submit required documents to the Marketplace for the following people. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions]. If you don't submit these documents by the deadlines listed above, you may not be able to keep your Marketplace health coverage, along with any financial help you may be getting.", "dmi-step-3": "Watch for a notice with the results of the Marketplace's review of your documents. You may access your Marketplace notices by [insert EDE Entity's instructions].", "heading": "What should I do now?", "ichra-heading": "Update the employer & accept your individual coverage HRA", "ichra-step-1": "Accept the employer's individual coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) offer, and tell them that you've paid your first premium.", "make-payment": "Final step: Pay your premium to complete your application", "make-payment-step-1": "To activate your new coverage, you must pay your first month's premium by your plan's due date. You can click 'Make a Payment' below to redirect to the payment portal and make a payment now. Your payment must be received and processed by the effective date to be fully enrolled. Contact {{carrierName}}'s customer service at {{contactNumber}} if you have any payment questions or issues.", "no-issues": "Pay your premiums. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions].", "person-issue": "{{issue}} for {{name}} by {{dueDate}}", "qsehra-heading": "Tell the employer you've enrolled in a plan", "qsehra-step-1": "Tell the employer you've enrolled, and make sure you're set up to get reimbursed for your costs through your QSEHRA.", "secondary-heading": "Is there anything else I should do now?", "svi-note": "Remember that you can't start using your coverage until the Marketplace reviews your documents and confirms your information, and you pay your premium", "svi-step-1": "You must submit documents to the Marketplace for the following people. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions]", "svi-step-2": "Watch for a notice with the results of the Marketplace's review of your documents. You may access your Marketplace notices by [insert EDE Entity's instructions]", "svi-step-3": "Pay your premium after your eligibility is confirmed. You'll receive another notice when it's time to take this step. You may pay your premium by [insert EDE Entity's instructions]." }, "updates": { "heading": "What if I need to update my information later?", "paragraph": "If you have a life change, like you move, have a change in income, or get married, please let us know right away. To do this, [insert EDE Entity's instructions]." } }, "enrollment-card": { "coverage-information": "Coverage Information", "coverage-start": "Your coverage will start on {{startDate}}. After we approve your documents, we'll tell you when to pay your premium(s).", "enrollee-information": "Enrollee Information", "plan": "Plan: {{plan}}", "premium": "Premium Amount: {{premium}}/mo", "title": "Enrollment Group {{id}}" }, "info": "Your enrollment has been submitted and is being processed.", "metadata": "", "paymentAlerts": { "offExchange": "

Payment Notice

The Payment Service is currently inaccessible due to maintenance. To make a payment by phone, please call {{phoneNumber}}.

", "onExchange": "

Payment Notice

The Payment Service is currently inaccessible due to maintenance. To make a payment by phone, please call {{phoneNumber}}.

" }, "paymentBtnText": "You must pay for your premium for your coverage to start.", "paymentBtnTitle": "Pay your premiums", "planTable": { "coveragePeriod": "Coverage Period", "enrollees": "Enrollees", "exchangeId": "Exchange ID", "monthlyPremiumCost": "Monthly Premium", "paymentDueDate": "Payment Due Date", "planName": "Plan Name" }, "tabTitle": "Thank You", "title": "Enrollment Application Submitted", "uploadBtnText": "You may need to verify your eligibility and submit certain documents.", "uploadBtnTitle": "Submit documents" }, "tobaccoUse": { "date": "Date", "date-of-usage": "Date of Usage", "enrollment": { "tooltipInfo": "Used tobacco products 4 or more times per week on average during the past 6 months (not including ceremonial users)" }, "metadata": "", "subtitle": "Do any of the following household members regularly use tobacco?", "tabTitle": "Tobacco Usage", "title": "Tobacco Usage" }, "userRole": { "broker": "Broker", "brokerName": "Broker Name: ", "brokerNpn": "Broker NPN: " }, "windowShopping": { "choose-market": "

View plans without enrolling

Since it is not currently open enrollment you are unable to enroll in a plan at this time. However, you can still view the plans that will be available to you by the time of your preferred coverage date.

", "forced": "

View plans without enrolling

Since you do not have a qualifying life event you cannot enroll in plans at this time, however you can still continue in the application to see what plans are available for next year.

Due to {{carrierName}} being new to the exchange, the special enrollment period reason question will be defaulted to 'No' to continue with window shopping.

", "income": "

View plans without enrolling

Since it is not currently open enrollment you are unable to get a subsidy estimate at this time. However, you can still view the plans that will be available to you by the time of your preferred coverage date.

", "plans": "

You are unable to enroll in the plans below

Since it is not currently open enrollment you are unable to enroll in a plan at this time. However, the plans below will be available to you by the time of your preferred coverage date.

", "sep": "

View plans without enrolling

Since you do not have a qualifying life event you cannot enroll in plans at this time, however you can still continue in the application to see what plans are available for next year.

" } }