{ "addDependent": { "deleteDependent": "Delete Dependent", "dependent": "dependent", "differentAddress": "Dependent has a different address than Primary Contact", "dropdown": { "child": "Child", "grandchild": "Grandchild", "grandparent": "Grandfather or Grandmother", "parent": "Father or Mother", "spouse": "Spouse" }, "tobaccoUsageQuestion": "Does the dependent use tobacco?" }, "address": { "address1": "Address 1", "address2": "Address 2", "city": "City", "county": "County", "homeAddress": "Home Address", "homeAddress1": "Home Address 1", "homeAddress2": "Home Address 2", "mailingAddress": "Mailing Address", "mailingAddress1": "Mailing Address 1", "mailingAddress2": "Mailing Address 2", "state": "State", "zipcode": "Zip Code" }, "apply": { "acaPlanSubtitle": "This plan is not endorsed by {{client}}, but is being offered based on you needs and budget.", "acaPlanTitle": "You've selected an Affordable Care Act \"ACA\" Plan for", "alert": { "body": { "start": "You are about to start the application process for your {{type}} plan. Once you have provided you information on the next screen, you will be brought back to this selection page where you will be asked to make a payment on the provider website. You will have to repeat this process for each plan you selected. The terms, conditions and policies of the provider apply." }, "header": { "start": "Start your {{type}} Application" } }, "applicant": "Applicant", "applicationCompleted": "Application Completed", "applicationInProgress": "Application In Progress", "applySubtitle1": "Now is the time to review each of your selected plans. Then, click \"Start Application\" to provide your personal information followed by \"Make Payment\" for each of your individual choices, where it applies.", "applySubtitle2": "Please note: Some of the plans in your cart require an {{client}} membership in order to enroll.", "applyTitle": "Your Selected Healthcare Options", "becomeMember": "Become an {{client}} member", "changeDrugs": "Change Prescriptions", "changePlan": "Change Plan", "changeProviders": "Change Providers", "deletePlan": "Delete This Plan", "dentalPlanTitle": "You've selected a Dental Plan for", "location": "Location", "lookingForAdditionalCoverage": "Looking for additional coverage?", "medicarePlanTitle": "You've selected a Medicare Advantage Plan for", "monthlyPayment": "Monthly Payment", "mustBe{{client}}Member": "You must be an {{client}} member to enroll in this plan.", "planName": "Plan Name", "prescriptionName": "Prescription Name", "providerName": "Provider Name", "selectedPlanTitle": "Selected Plan", "selectedPrescriptions": "Selected Prescriptions", "selectedProviders": "Selected Providers", "startApplication": "Start Application", "status": "Status", "type": "Type", "visionPlanTitle": "Vision Plans", "welcomeBack": "Welcome Back" }, "authorizedUser": { "addAuthUserQuestion": "Would you like to add an authorized user to your account that will be able to speak and get information on your behalf?", "authorizedRepAnswer": "I am the authorized representative of the applicant listed on this enrollment application. \n If I sign as an authorized representative, it means I have the legal right under state law to sign. I can show written proof of this right if Medicare asks for it.", "authorizedUserTitle": "Authorized User", "relationshipToApplicantQuestion": "What is your relationship to the application listed on this enrollment application?", "selfAnswer": "I am the applicant listed on this enrollment application.", "title": "Authorized User and Responsible Party" }, "button": { "accountManagement": "Go to account management", "back": "Back", "cancel": "Cancel", "continueApplication": "Continue Application", "learnMore": "Learn More", "next": "Next", "noTaxCredit": "Continue Without Tax Credit", "payNow": "Pay Now", "returnToConfirmation": "Return To Confirmation Page", "returnToHub": "Return to Hub", "shop": "Shop", "shopVisionPlans": "Shop Vision Plans", "skip": "Skip", "submitEnrollmentApp": "Submit Enrollment Application", "yesTaxCredit": "Get Official Premium Tax Credit" }, "common": { "alerts": { "requiredFields": "Please fill in all required fields" }, "applicants": "Applicants (Household Members)", "applicants-ineligible": "Ineligible Applicants (Members Not Eligible to Enroll)", "dismiss": "dismiss", "enroll": "Enroll", "no": "No", "yes": "Yes", "applicant": "Applicant", "apply": "Apply", "cancel": "Cancel", "clear": "Clear", "close": "Close", "compare": "Compare", "continue": "Continue", "issuerLogo": "Issuer Logo", "select": "Select" }, "contact-menu": { "email": "Email: marketplace@deltadentalia.com", "header": "Contact", "info": "For questions or assistance, contact licensed insurance agent/producers,", "phone": "TFN: 888-471-0878" }, "disclaimer": { "aca": "Please note that {{client}} and its affiliates do not have a relationship with the providers of products, services, and discounts made available on this website that do not carry the {{client}} brand in their name. The provider’s terms, conditions, and policies apply", "bulletOptions": { "text1": "You want to select a catastrophic health plan.", "text2": "You want to enroll members of your household in separate Qualified Health Plans." }, "checkboxText": "I agree", "text1": "This website is operated by {{carrierName}} and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace website. This website does not display all Qualified Health Plans available through the Health Insurance Marketplace website. To see all available Qualified Health Plan options, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace website at https://www.healthcare.gov.", "text2": "Also, you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace website at https://www.healthcare.gov if:", "title": "Attention" }, "ede": { "error": { "message": "Error Message: {{message}}", "id": "ID: {{id}}", "response-code": "Response Code: {{code}}", "response-description": "Response Description: {{desc}}", "tds-error": "TDS Error Description: {{tds}}", "timestamp": "Timestamp: {{ts}}" }, "changePlan": "Change Plan", "enrollmentDate": "Enrollment Date", "loadingScreenSubTitle": "We are redirecting you to check your premium tax credit", "loadingScreenSubTitleFetchingEligibility": "We are retrieving your eligibility results", "loadingScreenTitle": "Please Wait", "metadata": "", "newPremium": "New Monthly Premium", "originalPremium": "Original Monthly Premium", "plan": "Plan", "planId": "Plan ID", "reselectPlanWarning": "Your currently selected plan is outside of your rating area, please click next to select an eligible plan.", "return": "Return to Enrollment", "selectedPlansTitle": "Selected Plan(s)", "summarySubtitle": "Congratulations, based on the information you provided, your premium tax credit has been updated and applied.", "summaryTitle": "Enhanced Direct Enrollment (EDE) Summary", "tabTitle": "EDE Results", "usesTobacco": "Uses Tobacco" }, "enum": { "relationship": { "AdoptedChild": "Adopted Child", "Annuitant": "Annuitant", "Child": "Child", "ChildInLaw": "Son-in-Law or Daughter-in-Law", "CollateralDependent": "Collateral Dependent", "CourtAppointedGuardian": "Court Appointed Guardian", "Cousin": "Cousin", "ExSpouse": "Ex-Spouse", "FosterChild": "Foster Child", "Grandchild": "Grandchild", "Grandparent": "Grandparent", "Guardian": "Guardian", "LifePartner": "Domestic Partner", "NephewOrNiece": "Nephew or Niece", "OtherRelationship": "Other Relationship", "OtherRelative": "Other Relative", "Parent": "Parent", "ParentInLaw": "Father-in-Law or Mother-in-Law", "Self": "Self", "Sibling": "Sibling", "SiblingInLaw": "Brother-in-Law or Sister-in-Law", "SponsoredDependent": "Sponsored Dependent", "Spouse": "Spouse", "Stepchild": "Stepson or Stepdaughter", "Stepparent": "Stepparent", "Trustee": "Trustee", "UncleOrAunt": "Uncle or Aunt", "Unknown": "", "Ward": "Ward" } }, "error": { "technicalDifficulties":" Technical Difficulties", "tryAgain":"Please try again.", "allFieldsRequired": "Please fill out all required fields", "formatError": "{{fieldName}} is in the incorrect format", "maxLengthError": "{{fieldName}} is {{actualValue}} character(s), and must be no more than {{requiredLength}} characters", "maxNumberOfDependents": "The maximum number of dependents you can add is {{max}}", "minLengthError": "{{fieldName}} is {{actualValue}} character(s), and must be at least {{requiredLength}} characters", "requiredError": "{{fieldName}} is required", "sepReasonError": "Only 1 reason can be selected", "dismiss": "Dismiss", "duplicateDrug": "This drug has already been added", "invalidForm": "One of the selected options is not properly filled out", "nothingSelected": "Please select an option", "tooManyDrugs": "Cannot add more than 25 drugs" }, "member": { "child": "Child", "children": "Children", "self": "Self", "selfChild": "Self & Child", "selfChildren": "Self & Children", "selfSpouse": "Self & Spouse", "selfSpouseChild": "Self, Spouse, & Child", "selfSpouseChildren": "Self, Spouse, & Children", "spouse": "Spouse", "spouseChild": "Spouse & Child", "spouseChildren": "Spouse & Children" }, "memberEnroll": { "alternatePhone": "Alternate Phone", "city": "City", "county": "County", "dateOfBirth": "Date Of Birth", "email": "Email", "english": "English", "female": "Female", "firstName": "First Name", "gender": "Gender", "homePhone": "Home Phone", "lastName": "Last Name", "mailingAddress1": "Mailing Address 1", "mailingAddress2": "Mailing Address 2", "mailingAddressSame": "Mailing Address the same as residential address", "male": "Male", "maritalStatus": { "divorced": "Divorced", "married": "Married", "separated": "Separated", "single": "Single", "status": "Marital Status", "widowed": "Widowed" }, "middleName": "Middle Name", "name": "Name", "preferredLanguage": "Preferred Language", "relationship": "Relationship", "residentialAddress1": "Home Address 1", "residentialAddress2": "Home Address 2", "spanish": "Spanish", "ssn": "Social Security Number", "startCoverage": "Start Coverage On This Date", "state": "State", "suffix": "Suffix", "title": "Primary Contact", "tobaccoUsage": "Tobacco Usage", "zipcode": "Zipcode" }, "nav": { "additionalInfo": { "annualDeductible": "What is an annual deductible?", "copayments": "What are doctor and Rx co-payments?", "drugListTiers": "Drug List Tiers", "enrollmentAndChangingPlans": "Enrollment & Changing Plans", "insurancePremium": "What is an insurance premium?", "introductionToMedicare": "Introduction to Medicare", "learnMore": "Learn More", "medicareRelatedTopics": "Medicare Related Topics", "providerNetworks": "What are provider networks?", "speakToBroker": "To speak to a licensed insurance agent/producer, call: [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711]", "typeOfPlans": "Types of UnitedHealthcare Plans" }, "add-dependent": "Add Dependent", "apply": "Apply", "authorized-user": "Authorized User", "disclaimer": "Disclaimer", "plans": "Plans", "primary-contact": "Primary Contact", "responsible-party": "Responsible Party", "review": "Review & Submit", "sep": "SEP", "tax-credit": "Tax Credit", "thank-you": "Thank You", "title": "Application Progress", "demographic": "Demographics", "drug": "Drugs", "plan": "Plans", "provider": "Providers" }, "primaryContact": { "addDependentDetails": "Click the \"Add Dependent\" button below to show add dependent fields", "addDependentTitle": "Add Dependent", "additionalInformation": "Additional Information", "addressDetails": "Please provide as much of the following information as you can. An email address is required.", "addressTitle": "Where do you live?", "contactInformation": "Contact Information", "details": "If you are seeking coverage for yourself or others in your household, please enter your contact information.", "differentAddress": "Mailing Address is different from Residential Address", "personalInformation": "Personal Information", "title": "Primary Contact", "tobaccoQuestion": "Do you use tobacco?" }, "plansDecision": { "hardshipText": "Hard", "learnMoreOff": "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. ", "learnMoreOn": "Learn more.", "medicaidChip": "Medicaid", "medicaidChipText": "It looks like you may be eligible for Medicaid or CHIP. To learn more about Medicaid and CHIP, and enroll in these plans, please visit healthcare.gov.

If you’re Medicaid-eligible, you can still shop for private health insurance plans. However, you might not be eligible for tax credits.", "metadata": "", "noAptc": "Although your income appears to be too high to qualify for tax credits, we have found many affordable plans for you. You can still shop for marketplace plans. However, you might not be eligible for tax credits.", "option1Subtitle": "On-exchange plans are federally subsidized plans also known as the ACA / Obamacare. When you enroll in a plan your income will be verified, so we’ll double check your eligibility then.", "option1Title": "On the Market Plans", "option2Subtitle": "Off-exchange plans are plans that do not have a subsidy associated with it, and may offer varying benefits.", "option2Title": "Off the Market Plans", "tabTitle": "Plans Decision", "title": "Here are your options:" }, "responsibleParty": { "details": "Are you purchasing insurance for somebody else and will you be responsible for their payments?", "subHeader1": "Contact Information", "subHeader2": "Address Information", "title": "Responsible Party" }, "reviewSubmit": { "acaPlansHeader": "Selected Affordable Care Act 'ACA' Plans", "applicantsIneligible": "All applicants are ineligible.", "applicantRemoved": "One or more applicants was removed for ineligibility.", "authorizedUserHeader": "Authorized User", "contactInformationHeader": "Contact Information", "dependents": "Dependents", "ineligible": "Your selected plan is not available in your selected state.", "responsiblePartyHeader": "Responsible Party", "title": "Review and Submit" }, "effectiveDate": { "title": "Select Your Effective Date", "subtitle": "The proposed effective date is the estimated date coverage begins, which may vary based on when you apply for coverage.", "label" : "Effective Date", "format": "Month DD, YYYY", "help": "Don't see an Effective Date that works for you?
Please contact (phone number, operating hours) for help.", "tabTitle": "Enter Effective Date" }, "sep": { "qualifying": "SEP", "details": "Did any of the following apply to you or anyone in your household in the past 60 days?", "reasons": { "adoption": { "question": "When did you adopt a child?", "text": "I adopted a child" }, "agingOffPlan": { "question": "When did you age off your parents plan?", "text": "Aging off a parent's plan by turning 26" }, "birth": { "question": "When did you have a baby?", "text": "I had a baby" }, "cobraExpired": { "question": "When did your COBRA Expire?", "text": "My COBRA expired" }, "divorced": { "question": "When did you get divorced?", "text": "I got divorced" }, "legalCitizen": { "question": "When did you become a US Citizen?", "text": "I became a US Citizen (legal resident)" }, "losingMedicaidChip": { "question": "When did you lose Medicaid or CHIP?", "text": "Losing Medicaid or CHIP" }, "lostJob": { "question": "When did you lose your job?", "text": "I lost my job" }, "married": { "question": "When did you get married?", "text": "I got married" }, "newResidence": { "question": "When did you move to a new residence?", "text": "I moved to a new residence" }, "other": { "question": "Tell us more", "text": "Other reason not listed above" }, "policyPlanYearEnding": { "question": "When does the policy/plan year end?", "text": "Policy/plan year ending (for a plan or policy you bought yourself)" }, "releasedFromIncarceration": { "question": "When were you released?", "text": "I was released from incarceration" }, "spouseDied": { "question": "When did your spouse pass away?", "text": "My spouse passed away" }, "tooltip1": "

Did you lose your job recently due to the Covid-19 pandemic or other circumstances?

If you lost your health coverage because of the change in employment status, select this.

", "tooltip2": "

Select this if you have lost or will be losing the following coverage:

This does not include coverage lost due to non-payment.

", "tooltip3": "

Select this if your household size has changed due to:

", "tooltip4": "

Select this if your primary place of living has changed due to:

This does not apply to moving for medical treatment or a temporary vacation

", "tooltip5": "

Select this if your eligibility for coverage has changed due to:

", "tooltip6": "

Select if there was an error with a previous enrollment due to:

", "tooltip7": "

Select this if any of the following apply:

", "tribeMember": { "question": "When did you become a member?", "text": "I am a member of a federally recognized tribe" } }, "subtitle": "Since it is Special Enrollment, a Qualifying Life Event is required to enroll", "title": "Special Enrollment Period", "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Enter Special Enrollment Period" }, "sepReasons": { "LossOfJob": "Loss of Job", "LostOrLosingHealthCoverage": "Lost or Losing Health Coverage", "ChangeInHouseholdSize": "Change in Household Size", "ChangeInPrimaryPlaceOfLiving": "Change in Primary Place of Living", "ChangeInEligibility": "Change in Eligibility", "EnrollmentOrPlanError": "Enrollment or Plan Error", "Other": "Other" }, "taxCredit": { "claimedPeople": "Claimed People", "claimedPeopleQuestion": "How many people do you claim on your taxes, including yourself?", "coverageDateQuestion": "Please select the start date of your coverage:", "details": "Under the Affordable Care Act, may be able to get help paying for your monthly premium depending on your family size and income. Do you want to find out if you qualify for a premium tax credit?", "estimatedPremiumTaxCredit": "Estimated Premium Tax Credit", "estimatedPremiumTaxCreditInfo": "

This premium tax credit amount is only an estimate. Your official tax credit will come from the Marketplace.

Based on your yearly income, you may qualify for a premium tax credit and cost-sharing reduction.

If you would like to get your official premium tax credit, you must apply on the Marketplace.

", "title": "Want a Lower Monthly Premium?", "totalIncome": "Total Income", "totalIncomeQuestion": "What is the total 2019 income for everyone claimed on your taxes?" }, "thankYou": { "title": "Enrollment Application Submitted", "text": "Thank you!", "info": "Your enrollment has been submitted and is being processed.", "disclaimer": "any disclaimer html", "appComplete": "You have completed your application.", "buttons": { "goToHub": "Go To Hub", "makePayment": "Make a Payment", "shopHealthDental": "Shop Health & Dental" }, "confirmationId": "Your confirmation ID is {{id}}", "completeAdditionalApplications": "Additional Text", "header": "Application Confirmation", "lookingForAdditionalCoverage": "Looking for additional coverage?", "makePayment": "Would you like to make a payment for this plan?", "metadata": "", "planTable": { "coveragePeriod": "Coverage Period: {{value}}", "enrollees": "Enrollees: {{value}}", "monthlyPremiumCost": "Monthly Premium Cost: {{value}}", "paymentDueDate": "Payment Due Date: {{value}}", "planName": "Plan Name: {{value}}" }, "survey": { "thankYou": "Thank you for submitting an application.", "rateExperience": "How would you rate your experience of the Medicare enrollment?" }, "tabTitle": "Thank You" }, "userRole": { "broker": "Broker", "brokerText": "I'm a broker licensed to assist my clients that are enrolled or looking to enroll in health care products provided by {{issuer}}", "member": "Member", "memberText": "I'm enrolled or looking to enroll in health care products provided by {{issuer}}" }, "accessibility": { "aria-labels": { "navigation": "Progress and Legend", "plan-cards": "Plan card for {{planName}}", "drug-cards": "Drug card for {{drugName}}" } }, "demographics": { "acaSplitAlert": "Salary and tobacco are only required for those shopping for Affordable Care Act Plans.", "and": "and", "aptcPerMonth": "{{aptc}} per month", "estimatedSavings": "Estimated Savings:", "child": "child", "children": "children", "coverage": { "myChildrenAndI": "My children and myself", "mySpouseAndI": "My spouse and myself", "mySpouseMyChildrenAndI": "My spouse, my children, and myself", "myself": "Myself" }, "do": "do", "does": "does", "doesNot": "does not", "doNot": "do not", "eligibility": { "children": "Your {{children}} eligible for the following options", "endStageRenalDisease": "If you are under the age of 65 and eligible for Medicare due to a disability or End-Stage Renal Disease, please call a licensed insurance agent/producer at [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711] to determine if you are eligible to apply for a Medicare Supplement Insurance Plan.", "info": "Below you’ll find healthcare options for your consideration.", "infoMedicare": "", "notListed": "Think you may be eligible for something not listed?", "notListedCallNumber": "Call a licensed insurance agent/producer: [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711]", "self": "Based on the information you entered, you may be eligible for the following options", "spouse": "Since your spouse is {{aboveBelow}} the age of {{age}}, they may be eligible for the following options", "spouseNote": "These options are based on your spouse's needs and age" }, "eligibleToSave": "You may be eligible to save on your Qualifying Health Plan", "gender": { "female": "Female", "male": "Male", "text": "Gender" }, "hardship": "You may qualify for additional savings", "hardshipNextSteps": "Continue to see what you qualify for", "healthInsuranceFor": "I need health insurance for", "i": "I", "iHave": "I have", "iMake": "I make", "incomeFrequency": { "month": "month", "monthly": "Monthly", "week": "week", "weekly": "Weekly", "year": "year", "yearly": "Yearly" }, "incomeReason": "In order to correctly estimate your savings, we need your yearly income.", "liveIn": "I live in", "medicaidChip": "You may qualify for medicaid or CHIP", "medicaidChipNextSteps": "Continue to get your full Medicaid/CHIP determination", "myAgeIs": "My age is", "myBirthDateIs": "My birth date is", "myChildAgeIs": "My child's age is", "myChildBirthDate": "My child's birth date is", "myChildrenAgesAre": "My children's ages are", "myChildrenBirthDate": "My children's birth dates are", "myChildrenTobaccoUse": "My {{age}} year old", "myGenderIs": "My gender is", "mySpouseAgeIs": "My spouse's age is", "mySpouseBirthDate": "and my spouse's birth date is", "mySpouseGenderIs": "and my spouse's gender is", "noAptc": "Continue to get your full eligibility determination", "per": "per", "perMonth": "/month", "perYear": "per year", "placeholders": { "actions": "Actions", "address": "Address", "age": "Age", "applicant": "Applicant", "back": "Back", "birthDate": "Birth Date", "cancel": "Cancel", "county": "County", "distance": "Distance", "enterNumber": "Enter Number", "form": "Form", "fullName": "Full Name", "income": "Income", "location": "Location", "miles": "Miles", "myChildren": "My Children", "mySpouse": "My Spouse", "myself": "Myself", "name": "Name", "next": "Next", "numberOfChildren": "Children", "phone": "Phone", "save": "Save", "specialty": "Specialty", "skipPage": "Skip This Page", "strength": "Strength", "time": "Time", "tobaccoUse": "Tobacco Use", "type": "Type", "whoIsBeingCovered": "Who is being covered?", "zipcode": "Zip Code" }, "smoke": "smoke", "smokeSpouse": "smoke and my spouse", "subtitle": "Answer a few questions to learn more about your options.", "spinnerText":"We are calculating your estimated savings.", "stateBased": "Sorry no plans are offered in your current state", "title": "Healthcare made simple", "unapprovedStateZip": "Unfortunately plan details are not available online at this time. To speak with a customer service representative, call 1-800-523-5800 (TTY 711) Mon-Fri 7-11 ET and Sat 9-5 ET for more information.", "weHave": "We have", "weMake": "We make", "yearsOld": "years old", "zipEmpty": "Zip code is required", "zipLength": "Zip code must be 5 digits" }, "demographicPanel": { "addChild": "Add Child", "addSpouse": "Add Spouse", "applicant": "Applicant", "apply": "Apply", "close": "Close", "estimatedSavings": "Estimated Savings:", "householdSize": "Household Size:", "income": "Income:", "na": "N/A", "no": "No", "nonFfmStateWarning": "Sorry no plans are offered in your current state", "removeApplicant": "Remove Applicant", "showLess": "Show Less", "showMore": "Show More", "tobaccoUse": "Tobacco Use", "yearsOld": "y/o", "yes": "Yes", "zipCode": "Zip Code:" }, "disclaimers": { "aca": "Please note that {{client}} and its affiliates do not have a relationship with the providers of products, services, and discounts made available on this website that do not carry the {{client}} brand in their name. The provider’s terms, conditions, and policies apply", "sign-in": { "1": "You are not signed in. Please", "2": "sign in", "3": ", in order to save your progress. If you don't have an account,", "4": "create one now." } }, "drug": { "modal": { "daysPerRefillText": "How many days are included in each refill? Quantity taken per day doesn't matter. For example, if you:", "drugModalTitle": "You are selecting this prescription for:", "optionalFieldsText": "The fields below are all optional", "panelHeader": "Prescription Usage and Drug Information ({{type}})", "refillExample1": "Take this every day and refill monthly = 30", "refillExample2": "Take this every day and refill every 2 months = 60", "refillExample3": "Take this every day and refill every 3 months = 90", "refillExample4": "Get 1 injection for emergencies = 1", "refillExample5": "Get 1 tube of cream and apply 30 total days = 30", "refillPeriodExample1": "Every month = 12", "refillPeriodExample2": "Every 2 months = 6", "refillPeriodExample3": "Every 3 months = 4", "refillPeriodText": "How many times per year do you fill your prescription? For Example:", "selectForm": "Select Form", "selectStrength": "Select Strength" }, "relationship": { "child": "My Children", "self": "Myself", "spouse": "My Spouse" }, "search": { "addDrugBtn": "Add", "applicant": "Applicant", "drugResults": "{{value}} Prescription Results", "duplicateDrug": "Duplicate Drug", "expandDetails": "Expand Details", "form": "Form", "infoAlert": "Right now you are choosing prescription drugs for {{people}}. This will help inform plan results you see on the upcoming page.", "instructions": "Want to know if your current prescriptions will be covered? Search for your drug name here and we'll add this in to your plan selection criteria. You may also skip this page.", "months": "Months", "noDrugsFound": "No Prescriptions have been found", "noSelectedDrugs": "No Prescriptions have been selected", "prescriptionName": "Prescription Name", "searchPlaceholder": "Drug Name", "searchText": "I am looking for a health plan that provides coverage for the drug", "selectedDrugsTitle": "Selected Prescriptions", "strength": "Strength", "supplyDuration": "Supply Duration", "title": "Select Your Prescriptions", "yearsOld": "y/o" }, "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Enter Drug Information" }, "drugTier": { "details": "

A drug list -- sometimes called a formulary -- is a list of drugs covered bya plan

A drug list can change from year to year.

Part D plans may add or remove drugs from their drug list each year. Changes may also be made during the year, for example if a drug is taken off the market. Your plan will let you know if a change affects a drug you are taking.

Many Part D plans have a tiered drug list where drugs are divided into groups based on cost.

In general, drugs on low tiers cost you less than drugs on high tiers. Plans may charge a deductible for certain drug tiers and not for others, or the deductible amount may be different depending on the tier.

", "header": "Drug List Tiers", "tier1": { "cost": "$ (Lowest cost)", "text": "Tier 1" }, "tier2": { "cost": "$$", "text": "Tier 2" }, "tier3": { "cost": "$$$", "text": "Tier 3" }, "tier4": { "cost": "$$$$", "text": "Tier 4" }, "tier5": { "cost": "$$$$$ (Highest cost)", "text": "Tier 5" } }, "nonFfm": { "ca": "Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans - please visit your state-based marketplace for more information Click me", "co": "Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans - please visit your state-based marketplace for more information Click me", "default": "Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans - please visit your state-based marketplace for more information" }, "personalInfo": { "metadata": "", "tabTitle": "Enter Personal Info" }, "plan": { "loadingPlans":"We are finding plans that best fit you", "currentTag":"Current Plans", "recommended": { "tabText": "Picked for you", "info": "We estimate this plan will have the greatest value for your coverage needs" }, "lowestCost": { "tabText": "Lowest Premium", "info": "This is the plan available to you with the lowest monthly premium" }, "mostPopular": { "tabText": "Most Popular", "info": "This is the most popular plan in your area" }, "viewAll": { "tabText": "View all plans", "info": "The plans below are available for enrollment", "youSave": "You'll save an estimated {{aptc}} per month" }, "title": "Plan Selection", "acaPlanOptions": "Below are your Affordable Care Act plan options:", "memberJoin": "Join", "memberOr": "or", "memberRenew": "Renew Membership", "metadata": "", "aca": "Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans", "assign": { "addPlan": "Add Plan", "myChild": "My Child", "myChildren": "My Children", "title": "You are selecting this plan for:" }, "compareAlert": "The max number of plans that can be compared is 3", "comparePlan": "Compare Plan", "dental": "Dental Plans", "dentalDisclaimer": "This is only a summary of benefits. For a complete description of benefits, see your certificate of coverage. Limitations and exclusions, annual deductibles, co payments, and maximums may apply.", "dentalDisplayFor": "Application Process: Dental Plans", "dentalPlanOptions": "Below are you Dental Plan options from zip code {{zip}}:", "dentalReminder1": "Want additional coverage? Here are insurance coverage options available exclusively to {{client}} members.", "dentalReminder2": "As a reminder, Medicare Advantage plans often include prescription drug coverage, as well as dental and vision as a part of their benefits.", "disclosure": { "noMedicareBtn": "I'm sure, view plans for {{applicants}}", "noMedicareText1": "Are you sure you would like to continue without first selecting a plan for yourself?", "noMedicareText2": "You will now be forwarded to the next step in the process.", "noMedicareTitle": "You did not select a Medicare related plan.", "relationships": { "Child": "Child", "Children": "Children", "Spouse": "Spouse", "SpouseChild": "Spouse & Child", "SpouseChildren": "Spouse & Children" } }, "displayFor": "Application Process: Plans for {{person}}", "filters": { "info": "Use the controls bellow to help find the plan that best fits you", "applyFilters": "Apply Filters", "buttonText": "Filters", "clearButtonText": "Clear Filters", "deductibleHeader": "Deductible:", "metalTierHeader": "Metal Tier:", "outOfPocketMaxHeader": "Out of Pocket Max:", "planCarrierHeader": "Plan Carrier:", "planTypeHeader": "Plan Type:", "totalMonthlyCostHeader": "Total Monthly Cost:" }, "findDentist": "Find a dentist", "infoAlert": "Right now you are choosing plans for {{people}}.", "isSummary": "This is only a summary of benefits. For a complete description of benefits, see", "items": "Items per page", "medicare": { "advantage": "Medicare Advantage Plans", "advantageInfo": "Medicare Advantage plans often include prescription drug coverage as well as dental and vision as part of their benefits. This means that you would not need to also consider standalone plans for these services.", "advantageNoPlans": "Unfortunately, there are no Medicare Advantage plans available in your county at this time. To discuss other options or for assistance please call [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711]", "moreInfo": "If you need more information on what might be right for you, contact a licensed insurance agent/producer at [TFN:800-210-3968 TTY:711] for help.", "partD": "Medicare Part D Plans", "partDInfo": "Medicare Advantage plans often include prescription drug plan (PDP) coverage. This means that you would not need to also consider Medicare Part D plans for these services.", "partDNoPlans": "Unfortunately, there are no Medicare Part D plans available in your county at this time. To discuss other options or for assistance please call [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711]", "plansBelow": "Below are the plans that carry the {{client}} name available to you based on your location.", "supplemental": { "plans": "Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans", "popup": { "details": "You are leaving {{client}} powered by Softheon and going to the insurance carrier's website. The insurance carrier's website terms, conditions and policies apply. Please return to the {{client}} Coverge powered by Softheon website to learn more about other products. ", "header": "You are now leaving {{client}} powered by Softheon. " }, "shop": "Shop {{client}} Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, Insured By UnitedHealthCare Insurance Company", "text1": "What makes {{client}} Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans, insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company, unique? They’re the only Medicare supplement plans that carry the {{client}} name – which means they’ve been carefully evaluated and selected as meeting high service and quality standards.", "text2": "

Any Medicare supplement plan features:

", "text3": "

Click below or call a licensed insurance agent/producer at [TFN 800-210-3968 TTY:711] to learn more about {{client}} Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans.

" } }, "memberPlans": "When you see this symbol, you'll find plans that are available exclusively to members.", "noPlansFound": "No plans have been found Visit", "noneSelectedAlert": "Please select a plan", "nonFfmState": "Affordable Care Act (ACA) Plans - please visit your state-based marketplace for more information", "planCard": { "deductible": "Deductible", "details": "Details", "drugsCovered": "Drugs covered", "monthlyPayment": "Monthly Payment", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "newPremium": "New Premium", "outOfPocketMax": "Out of Pocket Max", "lowestCost": "Lowest Cost", "mostPopular": "Most Popular", "newMonthlyPayment": "Your New Premium", "oopMax": "Out of Pocket Max", "providerSearch": "Is my provider covered with this plan?", "providersCovered": "Providers Covered", "select": "Select", "enrollInThisPlan": "Enroll in this plan", "enroll": "Enroll", "pickedForYou": "Picked for you", "logoAlt": "Plan Logo" }, "planCompare": { "backToPlans": "Back to Plans", "deductible": "Deductible", "emergencyRoomInNetwork": "Emergency Room", "inpatientFacilityAdmissionInNetwork": "Hospital Stay", "maxOop": "Max OOP", "metalTier": "Metal Tier", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "newPremium": "New Premium", "oopCostEstimate": "OOP Cost Estimate", "pcpInNetwork": "Primary Care", "planCompare": "Plan Compare", "planType": "Plan Type", "ratingScore": "RatingScore", "resources": "Resources", "returnToPlans": "Return to Plans", "rxGenerics": "Generic Drugs", "specialistVisit": "Specialist" }, "planDetails": { "documents": "Documents", "downloadBtn": "Download", "enroll": "Enroll", "generalPlanInformation": "General Plan Information", "header": "", "maximumOutofPocket": "Maximum Out of Pocket", "metalTier": "Metal Tier", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium", "outOfPocketAnnual": "Estimated Annual Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "outOfPocketMonthly": "Estimated Monthly Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "outOfPocketTitle": "Out of Pocket Cost Estimate", "planBrochureLink": "Plan Brochure", "planDeductibles": "Plan Deductibles", "planDetails": "Plan Details", "planType": "Plan Type", "servicesAndVisits": "Services and Visits", "starRating": "Star Ratings", "summaryBenefitsCoverage": "Summary of Benefits and Coverage" }, "planName": "Plan Name", "qhpGovernmentExchange": "

The plans below are available for purchase without a subsidy. There are also Qualified Health Plans (QHPs) offered through the Government Exchange in your area. See All QHPs

", "selectAlert": "A plan has already been selected", "selectedPlans": "Selected Plans", "shoppingFor": { "details": "You are currently shopping for {{exchangeType}} the Market Plans", "offTheMarket": "Shop Off The Market", "onTheMarket": "Shop On The Market" }, "sort": { "highDeductible": "Highest Deductible", "highMaxOutOfPocket": "Highest Max Out of Pocket", "highMonthlyPremium": "Highest Monthly Premium", "lowDeductible": "Lowest Deductible", "lowMaxOutOfPocket": "Lowest Max Out of Pocket", "lowMonthlyPremium": "Lowest Monthly Premium", "sortBy": "Sort By" }, "tabTitle": "Plan Selection" }, "provider": { "assign": { "addProvider": "Add Provider", "editProvider": "Edit Provider", "myChild": "My Child", "myChildren": "My Children", "noProvidersFound": "No Providers have been found", "noSelectedProviders": "No Providers have been selected", "title": "You are selecting this provider for:" }, "disclosure": { "button": "OK, Got it", "text1": "You will now be given the option to enter your providers and prescriptions, which will help inform the plan results you see on the upcoming page.", "text2": "Please not that {{client}} and its affiliates do not have a relationship with the providers of products, services, and discounts made available on this website that do not carry the {{client}} brand in their name. The provider's terms, conditions, and policies apply." }, "metadata": "", "providerName": "Provider Name", "search": { "addProviderBtn": "Add", "duplicateProvider": "Unable to add duplicate provider.", "infoAlert": "Right now you are choosing doctors for {{people}}. This will help inform plan results you see on the upcoming page.", "instructions": "Have a preferred doctor? Enter their name here. No preferred doctor?
You can skip this page.", "providerResults": "{{value}} Provider Results Found", "searchPlaceholder": "Doctor Name", "searchText": "I am looking for a health plan that accepts my doctor named", "selectedProvidersTitle": "Selected Providers", "title": "Select Your Doctors" }, "tabTitle": "Enter Provider Information" }, "relationships": { "Child": "My Child", "Children": "My Children", "Self": "Myself", "Spouse": "My Spouse", "yourself": "yourself", "yourselfChild": "yourself and your child", "yourselfChildren": "yourself and your children", "yourselfSpouse": "yourself and your spouse", "yourselfSpouseChild": "yourself, your spouse, and your child", "yourselfSpouseChildren": "yourself, your spouse, and your children" }, "review": { "adjustAptc": "Adjust your applied advanced premium tax credit - Maximum {{value}}", "appliedAptc": "Applied APTC", "attestation": { "1": "I understand that because advance payments of the premium tax credit will be paid on my behalf to reduce the cost of health coverage for myself and/or my dependents:", "2": "I must file a federal income tax return in {{coverageYearPlusOne}} for the tax year {{coverageYear}}.", "3": "If I’m married at the end of {{coverageYear}}, I must file a joint income tax return with my spouse, unless an exception applies.", "4": "I also expect that no one else will be able to claim me as a dependent on their {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return.", "5": "I’ll claim a personal exemption deduction on my {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return for any individual listed on this application as a dependent who is enrolled in coverage through this Marketplace and whose premium for coverage is paid in whole or in part by advance payments of the premium tax credit for which I am the applicable tax Filer.", "6": "If any of the above changes, I understand that it may impact my ability to get the premium tax credit. 23 45 C.F.R. §155.220(c)(4)(i)(D). 24 45 CFR §155.220(c)(4)(i)(E). FFE and FF-SHOP Enrollment Manual 67", "7": "I also understand that when I file my {{coverageYear}} federal income tax return, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will compare eligibility information for {{coverageYear}} to what I reported on my Marketplace application, including the household income on my tax return with the household income on my application. I understand changes in eligibility information could affect eligibility for the premium tax credit. For example, if the household income on my tax return is lower than the amount of expected household income on my application, I may be eligible to get an additional premium tax credit amount. On the other hand, if the income on my tax return is higher than the amount of income on my application, I may owe additional federal income tax.", "agree": "Agree", "title": "Attestation" }, "editDrugs": "Edit Prescriptions", "editPlans": "Edit Plans", "editProviders": "Edit Providers", "metadata": "", "monthlyPremium": "Monthly Premium:", "newMonthlyPremium": "New Monthly Premium:", "newPremium": "New Premium", "planTable": { "coveragePeriod": "Coverage Period: {{value}}", "enrollees": "Enrollees: {{value}}", "monthlyPremiumCost": "Monthly Premium Cost: {{value}}", "paymentDueDate": "Payment Due Date: {{value}}", "planName": "Plan Name: {{value}}" }, "reviewAndSubmit": "Review and Submit", "reviewSubtitle": "Please review the information below and if everything looks good, click \"Next\"", "reviewTitle": "Review your Information", "selectedDrugs": "Selected Prescriptions", "selectedPlansNote1": "Please note: some of the plans in your cart require an {{client}} membership in order to enroll.", "selectedPlansNote2": "Become an {{client}} member.", "submit": "Submit", "submitApplication": "Would you like to submit your application?", "submitSubtitle": "Review your plan information and click submit to finalize your enrollment", "tabTitle": "EDE Review Results" }, "state": { "disclaimer": "{{client}} Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug Insurance Plans are insured through UnitedHealthcare insurance Company or one of its affiliated companies, {{client}} Dental Insurance Plan administered by {{client}} and {{client}} MyVision Care Insured through {{client}}", "invalidState": "Unfortunately, plan details are not available online at this time. To speak with a customer service representative, call 1-800-523-5800 (TTY 711) Mon-Fri 7-11 ET and Sat 9-5 ET for more information", "provideState": "Please provide your state information to see available products in your area", "search": "Search", "selectState": "Select your State", "stateSuppression": "Unfortunately, plan details are not available online at this time. To speak with a licensed insurance agent/producer, call {{client}}, LLC at 1-800-210-3968 (TTY 711) Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. ET and Saturday 9:00 – 5:00 ET for more information.", "stateSuppression2": "Puerto Rico, Guam, Virgin Islands, and Northern Mariana Islands – For more information, please call {{client}}, LLC at 1-800-523-5800 (TTY 711) Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. ET and Saturday 9:00 – 5:00 ET to speak to a customer service representative.", "stateSuppression3": "If you think you entered an incorrect zip code, click the X above, to re-enter a zip code." }, "footer": { "accessibility-statement": "Accessibility Statement", "telemarketerIcon": "https://softheoncdnstorage.blob.core.windows.net/images/aarp/aarp-telemarketer.svg", "contact": "Contact", "copyright": "Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved", "disclaimer": "Attention: This website is operated by Delta Dental and is not the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov. This website does not display all Qualified Health Plans available through HealthCare.gov. To see all Qualified Health Plan options, go to the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov. Also, you should visit the Health Insurance Marketplace® website at HealthCare.gov if: You want to select a catastrophic health plan. You want to enroll members of your household in separate Qualified Health Plans. You want to enroll members of your household in dental coverage.", "disclosures": { "title": "View Important Disclosures Below

", "first": "{Company} powered by Softheon is an {Company}-branded eCommerce website. Softheon, Inc. powers this online insurance marketplace by providing web-based information systems. Softheon does not sell insurance.

", "second": "This website makes available insurance products and services issued and sold through unaffiliated third parties but does not include all insurance companies or all types of insurance products available in the marketplace. You are encouraged to consider your needs when selecting products. {Company} does not make product recommendations for individuals.

", "third": "Welltheos LLC (DBA W3LL), a New York resident licensed insurance agency (license # LB-1492631), serves as the agent/producer for the Medical Plans. Welltheos LLC (DBA W3LL) is also licensed as a nonresident insurance agency, or otherwise authorized to transact business as an insurance agency, in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

", "fourth": "Providers that offer {Company}-branded insurance products pay royalty fees to {Company} for the use of its intellectual property. These fees are used for the general purposes of {Company}. {Company} and its affiliates are not insurers, agents, brokers or producers and do not employ or endorse agents, brokers or producers.

", "fifth": "Please note that each insurer has sole financial responsibility for its products.

" }, "site-map": { "about": "ABOUT", "accessibility-statement": "Accessibility Statement", "all-products": "All Products", "join": "Join ABCD", "membership-title": "MEMBERSHIP", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "renew": "Renew Membership", "shop": "SHOP", "site-map": "Sitemap", "social-media": "SOCIAL MEDIA", "terms-of-service": "Terms of Service", "view-membership": "View your member Benefits on ABCD.zzz" }, "faq": "FAQ", "faqContent": "


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", "language-assistance": "Language Assistance", "nondiscrimination-notice": "Nondiscrimination Notice", "privacy-policy": "Privacy Policy", "terms-of-use": "Terms of Use", "privacyPolicyContent": "

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", "termsOfUseContent": "

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", "nonDiscriminationContent": "

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From time to time we will provide links to other Websites, not owned or controlled by us. We do this because we think this information might be of interest or use to you or where, as a member, we can provide you with value added services. While we do our best to ensure your privacy, we cannot be responsible for the privacy practices of other sites. A link to an external Website does not constitute or imply endorsement by us. Additionally, we cannot guarantee the quality or accuracy of information presented on external Websites. We encourage you to review the privacy practices of any Website you visit.

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